20 May, 2000
Dear Sirs:
Thank you for your letter of 20 May referring to your order No. 252. We are glad to hear that the consignment (交货) was delivered promptly (迅速地).
We regret, however, that case No. 46 did not contain the goods you ordered. We have investigated the matter and find that we did make a mistake in putting the order together.
We have arranged for the correct goods to be dispatched(发送) to you at once. The relevant documents will be mailed to you as soon as they are ready.
Please keep case No. 46 and its contents until called for by our agents who have been in- formed of the situation.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused by our error.
Yours faithfully,
Tony Smith
Chief Seller
What did they make up for after the mistake
They have arranged to send ()immediately.
A. 3月18日
B. 3月20日
C. 3月22日
D. 3月25日
The provision of positive incentives to
work in the new society will not be an easy task. But the most difficult task of
all is to devise the ultimate and final sanction to replace the ultimate
sanction of hunger--the economic whip of the old dispensation. Moreover, in a
society which rightly rejects the pretence of separating economies from politics
and denies the autonomy of the economic order, that sanction can be found only
in some conscious act of society. We can no longer ask the invisible hand to do
our dirty work for us. I confess that I am less horror-struck than some people at the prospect, which seems to me unavoidable, of an ultimate power of what is called direction of labor resting in some arm of society, whether in an organ of state or of trade unions. I should indeed be horrified if I identified this prospect with a r A. reluctant acceptance. B. sheer pessimism. C. mild optimism. D. extreme hopefulness. [多选题]操作票应用黑色或蓝色的( )逐项填写。
A.水笔 B.钢笔 C.圆珠笔 D.铅笔 [判断题] 绘制方框图时,在一个接线面上如有个别元件的接线关系不能表达清楚
时,可用文字说明。 ( ) A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]为保证齿轮副侧隙,圆柱齿轮齿厚公差的()
A. 上偏差为正值,下偏差为0 B. 上偏差、下偏差均为正值 C. 上偏差为正值,下偏差为负值 D. 上偏差、下偏差均为负值 [单选题]Sleeping in on weekends is a common __________ in dorms.
A.phenomenon B.photograph C.philosophy D.physics [判断题]‗ 年 10 月 16 日起实施的《上海轨道交通电话闭塞法作业指导书》中规定,电话闭塞法中的接车进路指的是站前接车的进路。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]职工代表大会
[单选题]在距钢轨顶面350~1100mm这个高度范围内,直线建筑接近限界的半宽是( )。
A.1400mm B.1500mm C.1725mm D.1875mm E.略 [多选题]消防救援人员有下列情形之一的,可以从轻或者减轻给予处分( )。
A.主动交代本人应当受到处分的违法违纪行为的 B.配合调查,如实说明本人违法违纪事实的 C.主动采取措施,有效避免、挽回损失或者消除不良影 响的 D.在共同违法违纪行为中起主要或者决定作用的 [判断题]张某从李某处买到2把匕首,由李某送货至张某家,张某一直将该2把匕首放在家中。张某的行为不属于违反治安管理行为。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]社会主义法产生的根本前提是( )
A.实现生产资料所有制的社会主义改造 B.消灭私有制 C.消灭剥削阶级 D.无产阶级取得政权 我来回答: 提交