A recent history of the Chicago
meat-packing industry and its workers examines how the industry grew from its
appearance in the 1830’s through the early 1890’s. Meat-packers, the author
argues, had good wages, working conditions, and prospects for advancement within
the packinghouses, and did not cooperate with labor agitators since labor
relations were so harmonious. Because the history maintains that conditions were
above standard for the era, the frequency of labor disputes, especially in the
mid-1880’s, is not accounted for. The work ignores the fact that the
1880’s were crucial years in American labor history, and that the packinghouse
workers! efforts were part of the national movement for labor reform. In fact, other historical sources for the late nineteenth century record deteriorating housing and high disease and infa A. data from the University of Chicago B. a recent history of the meat-packing industry C. social workers D. historical sources for the late nineteenth century [单选题]取得从业资格考试合格证明或者被注销从业资格的人员连续( )年未在机构中执业的,在申请从业资格前应当参加协会组织的后续职业培训。
A.2 B.3 C.5 D.6 [单项选择]要求一个数据表文件数值型字段具有5位小数,那么该字段宽度最少应定义成( )
A. 5位 B. 6位 C. 7位 D. 8位 [单选题]正常人体液中血浆占体重的比率是( )
A.5% B.10% C.15% D.20% E.25% [单选题].预制简支箱梁益式稳胶支座砂浆的性能应满足 ( ) 求。
A.浆体水灰比不宜大于0.31,且不得泌水 B.浆体水灰比不宜大于0.32,且不得泌水 C.浆体水灰比不宜大于0.33,且不得泌水 D.浆体水灰比不宜大于0.34,且不得泌水 [单选题]下列治疗军团菌感染的首选药物是( )。
A.青霉素G B.氟康唑 C.四环素 D.红霉素 E.氯霉素 [判断题]在中等硬度岩石中光面爆破时,周边孔的间距一般取450~600 mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]昏睡:为中枢神经系统轻度抑制的表现。
A.发动机分单元体是为了功能划分的目的,共分7个单元体 B.发动机分7个独立的单元体,可以单独更换以提高经济性 C.发动机分6个独立的单元体,齿轮箱即为06单元体 D.发动机分单元体是为了航线更换的方便而划分 [单项选择]下列治疗组合正确的是()
A. 急性再障一雄激素 B. MDS-手术治疗 C. 缺铁性贫血一输血 D. 遗传性球形细胞增多症一脾切除 E. 白血病一放疗 [简答题]《公安机关人民警察内务条令》规定,组织实施民用爆炸物品、烟花爆竹、废旧炮(炸)弹等爆炸物品销毁,应当科学划定作业区域,设置安全警示标志,维护作业现场秩序,并严格遵守哪些安全规定?
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