Who won the World Cup 1998 football game What happened at the United Nations How did the critics like the new play (1) an event takes place, newspapers are on the streets (2) the details. Wherever anything happens in the world, reporters are on the spot to (3) the news.
Newspapers have one basic (4) , to get the news as quickly as possible from its source, from those who make it to those who want to (5) it.
Radio, telegraph, television, and (6) inventions brought competition for newspapers. So did the development of magazines and other means of communication. (7) , this competition merely spurred the newspapers on. They quickly make use of the newer and faster means of communication to improve the (8) and thus the efficiency of their own operations, Today more newspapers are (9) and read than ever before. Competition also led newspapers to branch out into many other fields. Besides keep
A. on
B. through
C. with
D. of
Please Fasten Your Seatbelts{{/B}} Severe turbulence (湍流) can kill aircraft passengers. Now, in test flights over the Rocky Mountains, NASA (美国航空航天局) engineers have successfully detected clear-air turbulence up to 10 seconds before an aircraft hits it. Clear-air turbulence often catches pilots by surprise. Invisible to radar, it is difficult to forecast and can hurl (用力抛出去) passengers about the cabin. In December 1997, one passenger died and a hundred others were injured when unexpected rough air caused a United Airlines flight over the Pacific to drop 300 metres in a few seconds. However, passengers can avoid serious injury by fastening their seatbelts. "It is the only antidote (对策) for this sort of thing," says Rod Bogue, project manager at NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center in Edwards, Cal A. causing a let of damage to the plane. B. throwing its passengers out of the cabin. C. resulting in heavy casualties. D. forcing the pilot to make an emergency landing. [单项选择]一个人的()是“自我形象”的外在表现。
A. 穿着打扮 B. 外形长相 C. 外在行动 D. 内心思想 [单项选择]核聚变是这样一个过程——原子核聚合或被“熔化”,并且在这个过程中释放出能量,聚变的副产品之一是氦气。最近使用装在一个密封烧瓶里的重水进行了一次聚变试验,烧瓶放在一个充满空气的单间里,以消除外来振动。在试验之后,在单间的空气里有未测量到的氦-4气体,试验者以此证据支持他们的结论:核聚变已经完成。
下面哪一项如果正确,将对试验的结论提出强有力的质疑 A. 氦-4不是试验的单间里发现的唯一气体。 B. 当聚变完成时,通常产生几种包括氚和Y射线的副产品。 C. 发现在单间里的氦-4的量没有超过普通空气里的氦气量。 D. 氦-4气体很快分解,在几个小时以后形成了普通的氦气。 [填空题]孟菲斯流派是七十年代后期在()兴起的一个设计流派。
A. 光泽感觉 B. 不需用力就好 C. 吸住头发 D. 向下用力即断 [多选题]私照实践考试标准对转向指定航向的要求是
A.具备与转向指定航向时基本仪表飞行相关的必要知识。 B.机场、跑道、滑行道和障碍物的识别灯光,以及飞行员控制灯光的使用。 C.仪表判读正确、操纵协调。 D.演示在仅参考仪表的情况下,保持高度(±200英尺内)以标准转弯率转至某一指定航向改出 E.改出航向误差±10° F.空速误差±10海里/小时。 [单选题]( )可以有力去除海水电解氯电解槽的结垢。
A.提高电压 B.定期酸洗 C.水力冲洗 D.降低电流 [判断题]处置地铁灾害事故时,应了解地铁线路在事故状态下的运行模式,并根据运行模式实施战斗行动。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]220 千伏以上系统中, 一次事件造成同一变电站内( )主变跳闸,属于五极电网事件 。
A.一台 B.二台 C.三台 D.二台以上 [单选题]汽车交通事故的特征之一是在道路上发生。这里的“道路”包括公路、城市街道和胡同(里巷),以及车站、公共广场、公共停车场等供车辆、行人通行的场所。公路则是指根据《公路法》的规定,经公路主管部门验收认定的城间、城乡间、乡间能行使汽车的公共道路,包括国道、省道、县道和乡道。根据上述定义,下列属于汽车交通事故的是()。
A.李某尚未取得驾照,却擅自将贴有“训练”标志的车开到闹市区,与一出租车相撞 B.火车在髙速行驶中,一行人在铁道上行走,被卷人车底丧生 C.某市公交站里停放的一辆7路公交车无故起火 D.田野里耕种的拖拉机突然失灵,撞向田埂 [多选题]35kV变配电所终变压器继电电保护配置(____)。
A.纵联差动保护 B.电流速断保护 C.过电流保护 D.过负荷保护 E.瓦斯保护 F.略 G.略 H.略 我来回答: 提交