National Geographic (61)
fill a number of roles, says Karen Kasmauski. "We are journalists;
researcher, thinkers," she says, "photography is our (62)
." As one of the Society’s six contributing photographers-in-residence, Karen seeks to focus (63) attention on global changes and how they (64) human health. One promising (65) is the anti-measles (66) in Kenya led by the American Red Cross, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and UN (67) . "These photographers-in-residence have chosen subjects they’ve been (68) for years, subjects they’re (67) about," says program manager Charlene Valeri. Frans Lanting investigates (70) and the danger of (71) loss to animals in the wild. David Coubilet works to promote the survival of coral reef (72) in the Sou A. affect B. sway C. persuade D. impress [判断题]按照GB.4351.1一2005《手提式干粉灭火器》的型号编制方法,MF(L)8中,F表示气体火灾。
[单选题]党员犯罪情节轻微,人民检察院依法作出不起诉决定的,或者人民法院依法作出有罪判决并免予刑事处罚的,应当给予 ( ) 处分。
A.严重警告 B.撤销党内职务 C.留党察看 D.撤销党内职务、留党察看或者开除党籍 [单项选择]超声测距是按1540m/s平均速度设置电子尺的,下列测量中哪项是错误的
A. 测量肝、胆、脾、胰误差小 B. 测量脂肪组织大于真实值(偏大) C. 测量胎儿股骨长径时小于真实值(偏小) D. 测量颅骨钙化病灶时测值偏小 E. 测量眼组织晶状体、角膜,测值无偏差 [简答题]甘某、肖某及其亲戚王某租用某市居民区一单元房,用维生素、丹参粉、激素等原料粉碎后,装成胶囊,制成治高血压、糖尿病、牛皮癣等顽症的药,然后由甘某的15周岁儿子小龙通过小广告、网络等宣传销售,多售卖给偏远地方的受害人。2011年6月被查获。甘某等承认属于假药,但认为不会出人命。
问:对甘某、肖某、王某、小龙的行为如何认定处理简要说明理由。 [多项选择]在面对( )形态时,几乎要等到突破后才能开始行动。
A. V形 B. 双重顶(底) C. 三重顶(底) D. 矩形 [判断题]《中共国家电网有限公司党组关于强化整治漠视侵害群众利益问题长效机制建设的意见》(国家电网党〔2020〕3号)中规定,规范非居民客户充值购电,全面清理各种形式的电费“保证金”、电费“冻结”等不规范行为,维护客户正当利益。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交