There is extraordinary exposure in the
United States to the risks of injury and death from motor vehicle accidents.
More than 80 percent of all households own passenger cars or light trucks
and each of these is driven a average of more than 11,000 miles each year.
Almost one-half of fatally injured drivers have a blood alcohol concentration
(BAC) of 0.1 percent or higher. For the average adult, over five ounces of
80 proof spirits would have to be consumed over a short period of time to attain
these levels. A third of drivers who have been drinking, but fewer than 4
percent of all drivers, demonstrate these levels. Although less than 1
percent of drivers with BAC s of 0.1 percent or more are involved in fatal
crashes, the probability of their involvement is 27 times higher than for those
without alcohol in their blood. There A. ironic B. indifferent C. admonitory D. indecisive [单项选择]功能调节器,主要作用部位
A. 上颌位置 B. 下颌位置 C. 上下牙弓 D. 口腔前庭 E. 硬腭 [单选题]( )是教练员通过展示实物.教具.示范性实验.示范动作等,以显示真实的或模拟的各种现象和过程。
A.讲授法 B.演示法 C.示教作业 D.示范作业 [单选题]葡萄胎的临床表现不包括
A.妊娠呕吐 B.子宫异常增大 C.停经后阴道流血 D.白带增多 E.卵巢黄素化囊肿 [单项选择]协会海运货物罢工险的保险期间采取的原则是()
A. “水上保险” B. “仓至仓” C. “门到门” D. “港到港” [单选题]来自动植物疫区的船舶、飞机、火车,经检疫发现有禁止进境的动植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物的,口岸动植物检疫机关必须进行____。
A.退回 B.熏蒸、消毒 C.封存或销毁 D.补办检疫审批手续 [判断题]突出矿井必须及时编制矿井瓦斯地质图,图中应标明必要的技术参数,作为区域突出危险性预测和制定区域防治突出措施的依据。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]驾驶车辆在交叉路口前变更车道时,应()驶入要变更的车道。
A.在路口前实线区内根据需要 B.进入路口实线区内 C.在虚线区按导向箭头指示 D.在路口停止线前 [判断题]电工用塑料分为热固性塑料和、冷塑性塑料。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列材料中,气割性能最好的是()。
A. 不锈钢 B. 中碳钢 C. 低碳钢 [单选题]休息日和节假日的前1日可以推迟就寝,时间通常不超过( )。
A.半小时 B.1小时 C.2小时 D.1.5小时 [多项选择]下列词语中属于联合式的有______。
A. 人民、朋友 B. 美丽、英明 C. 皮毛、江山 D. 主席、行政 E. 看透、想通 F. 花生、地震 我来回答: 提交