About 500 cartoons drawn by Chinese
cartoomsts will be dis- played in Shanghai on August 25 to entertain local
youngsters. The three-day show at Huangpu Youngsters’ Activity Centre is the largest ever held in Shanghai, with 20 000 visitors expected, said Zhao Jingyi, director of the exhibition’s organizing committee. Last year’s show, featuring cartoons of young girls, attracted more than 3 000 girl vistors. "It is more diverse and different from the previous cartoon show, which featured the Japanese style," Zhao said. It includes animated cartoons, traditional cartoons and cartoons for children. Well-known Chinese cartoonists such as Du Jianguo, Zheng Xinyao and Xie Zhenqiang will exhibit their collections. Xia Weiyi, a famous cartoonist from Hong Kong, will fly to Shanghai and sell his autograp A. Traditional cartoons on display. B. 500 cartoon films on show. C. Animated cartoons on display. D. 500 cartoons on display. [单选题]一般油气井之间的井口间距不小于5m;高压、高含硫油气井井口距其他井井口之间的距离大于本井所用钻机的钻台长度,且不小于( )m;丛式井组之间的井口距离不小于20m。
A.8 B.10 C.15 D.20 [单项选择]ABS树脂是下列哪几种物质的共聚物()。
A. 丙烯腈、乙烯 B. 丙烯腈、1,3-丁二烯、苯乙烯 C. 丙烯腈、1,3-丁二烯 D. 乙烯腈、苯 [判断题]混凝土的水胶比较小、浇筑温度与气温较高、混凝土强度验收龄期较长时, 矿物掺合料宜采 用较大掺量。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]需静脉点滴氢化可的松的新生儿低血糖状况为()
A. 无症状低血糖 B. 无症状低血糖进食葡萄糖无效 C. 有症状低血糖 D. 持续或反复低血糖 E. 一过性低血糖 [单选题]手少阴心经的原穴是
A.内关 B.神门 C.通里 D.阴郄 E.少冲 [单项选择]路面面层的要求包括()。
A. 有足够的强度和抗滑性 B. 足够强度和有隔温效果 C. 有厚度以扩散应力 D. 有足够的厚度以减少基层厚度 [判断题]应急通信后备型发电机组满负荷工作时间一般不超过二小时
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]电桥可分为直流电桥和()电桥两大类。
试验宜选用的注射部位是 A. 右前臂掌侧中、下1/3交界处 B. 左前臂掌侧中、下1/3交界处 C. 左前臂掌侧中、下2/3交界处 D. 右前臂掌侧中、下2/3交界处 E. 左前臂背侧中、下2/3交界处 [单选题]对于判处有期徒刑或拘役的罪犯,( )可以暂予监外执行。
A.确有悔改表现 B.确有立功表现 C.有严重疾病需要保外就医的 D.正在提出申诉的 [单项选择] The free enterprise has produced a technology capable of providing the American consumer with the largest and most varied marketplace in the world. Technological advances, however, have come hand-in-hand with impersonal mass marketing of goods and services. Along with progress, too, have come some instances of manipulative advertising practices and a great increase of products whose reliability, safety and quality are difficult to evaluate.
Today’’s consumers buy, enjoy, use and discard more types of goods than could possibly have been imagined even a few years ago. Yet too often consumers have no idea of the materials that have gone into the manufacturer’’s finished product or their own motivation in selecting one product over another.
Easy credit and forceful techniques of modern marketing persuade many consumers to buy what they cannot afford. The consequent overburdening of family budgets is a problem for consumers at all economic levels. It is not unusual for families t
A. products are more expensive in the U.S. than anywhere else B. credit cards are often used illegally C. products very often do not perform as advertised D. most Americans like to buy what they cannot afford [简答题]馅心制作的要求有哪些?
[单选题] Which of the following is the third and final phase in the life cycle of a venture capital deal?
A. A limited partnership is formed and funds are raised. B. Funds are invested in start-up companies. C. The venture firm exits the investment. D. The venture firm seeks approval from the S.E.C. [填空题]Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型混凝土枕中部道床应填平,并不高于___ 。
[判断题] 切削用量过大,频繁正、反转等均可引起主轴过载报警。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]静脉输液时,应如何预防和处理急性肺水肿。 ()
A.严格控制输液速度 B.发生肺水肿时患者取端坐位,两腿下垂 C.给予高流量氧气吸入 D.根据病情给予镇静、强心、利尿、扩血管、平喘等治疗 E.必要时四肢轮扎, 以减少静脉回心血量 [多选题]《铁路旅客运输规程》规定,发生线路中断旅客要求退票时,在发站(包括中断运输站返回发站的)退还全部票价,在中途站退还已收票价与已乘区间票价差额,不收退票费,但()不退。如线路中断系承运人责任时,按《铁路旅客运输规程》第四十九条处理。
A.因违章加收的部分 B.已使用至到站的车票 C.已乘区间 D.已使用部分 我来回答: 提交