Yet with economies in free fall,
managers also need up-to-date information about what is happening to their
businesses, so that they can change course rapidly if necessary. Cisco, an
American network-equipment giant, has invested over many years in the technology
needed to generate such data. Frank Calderoni, the firm’s CFO, says that every
day its senior executives can track exactly what orders are coming in from sales
teams around the world, and identify emerging trends in each region and market
segment. And at the end of each month, the firm can get reliable financial
results within four hours of closing its books. Most firms have to wait days or
even weeks for such certainty. Admittedly, Cisco’s financial results have not made happy reading recently because, in common with many other large technology companies, it ha A. getting instructions from their senior managers B. seizing what to do at hand and what to do next C. having a financial forecast as a goal D. sharing their goals with others [判断题]派发时需通过车票核验旅客身份,派发结束后通过手持终端标记异常订单,无反馈信息订单视为正常订单。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]我国解决民族问题的根本出发点和归宿是( )
A. 各民族一律平等 B. 各民族广泛团结 C. 各民族共同繁荣 D. 各民族不断进步 [单选题]回流比从最小值逐渐增大的过程中,所需理论板数起初急剧( ),设备费用亦明显下降,足以补 偿能耗费用的增加。
A.增加 B.减少 C.不变 D.以上都不对 \ [名词解释]独本菊
A. 妇产科麻醉 B. 体外循环 C. 疼痛诊疗 D. PACU E. 门诊麻醉 [多选题]安全防护设施验收应具备哪些资料?( )
A.施工组织设计及有关验算数据 B.安全防护设施验收记录 C.搭设人员完工验收记录 D.安全防护设施变更记录及签证 E.安全防护设施交底记录 [判断题]110(66)千伏及以上电压等级主变及各侧设备同时停电检修为大型检修
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]一些亲水性高分子物质在水中形成的粘稠性液体一般称为胶浆剂,常用的胶浆剂材料不含( ).
A.阿拉伯胶 B.海藻酸钠 C.羧甲纤维素钠 D.羧甲淀粉钠 [多选题]18. 个贷中心抵押登记岗位职责包括( )。
A.办理抵质押登记手续 B.通知和监督经营行移交、 取回权证和相关资料 C.对清户撤押手续及资料进行合规审核 D.管理和维护抵押登记信息 [单选题]下列哪项不是冷疗的禁忌部位
A.枕后 B.耳廓 C.腹股沟 D.腹部 E.足底 [单选题]ZA7-J170/4000直流电液转辙机额定电压为DC。
A. 160V B. 170V C. 220V D.380V [单选题]真正伟大的历史人物,他所展现出来的价值和意义,绝不是他所处的那个时代所能够局限的,一定可以超越他所在的那个具体的时代和具体的生存环境,超越时空,焕发出_的永恒的价值。
A.历久弥新 B.日新月异 C.亘古不变 D.与日俱增 [判断题]在井下矿灯熄灭后,应及时换上备用灯泡。(0.03分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]钢轨探伤仪前37°探头能发现( )象限螺孔斜裂纹。
A.Ⅱ、Ⅳ B.Ⅰ、Ⅱ C.Ⅱ、Ⅲ D.Ⅰ、Ⅳ [多项选择]创新的破坏性的具体表现在以下哪些地方()。
A. 企业丧失了原有的技术优势 B. 企业用新技术替代了原来的技术 C. 企业用新的但是不能正常运用的新技术替换了原来虽落后但擅长的技术 D. 企业没能力利用创新的资源 E. 企业虽能运用创新所得新技术但失去了市场 [单项选择]Questions 15~18 are based on the following story.Where have the family decided to go in the vacation this summer
A. They haven’t reached a decision yet. B. They have decided to go hunting bears. C. They want to go camping. D. They want to go exploring the country. [单选题]高处作业人员应熟悉应急救援程序,()应急救援知识。
A.无视 B.理解 C.知道 D.了解 [单项选择]患者,女性,27岁。临床诊断再生障碍性贫血,检查发现口唇及口腔黏膜有散在出血点,牙龈出血,护士在为其进行口腔护理时应特别注意的护理操作是()。
A. 先取下义齿 B. 口护时夹紧棉球 C. 口护动作必须轻柔 D. 禁忌漱口 E. 患处涂冰硼散 [多选题]行政处罚决定依法作出后,当事人既不向上级机关申请复议,也不向人民法院提出诉讼,超过规定期限仍不缴纳罚款,则做出行政处罚决定的行政机关可以采取的措施是()。
A.每曰按罚款数额的3%加处罚款 B.依法将被冻结的存款划拨抵缴罚款 C.依法将查封、扣押的商品、货物及其他财产拍卖变卖 D.申请人民法院强制执行 [判断题]司机按下受电弓降弓按钮后应在不大于7s的时间内降弓完毕。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]湿浊中阻之呕吐宜用()
A. 猪苓 B. 藿香 C. 石韦 D. 茯苓 E. 海金沙 [单选题]橡胶油封式轴箱检修时,橡胶油封分解后应( )。
A.检测 B.试验 C.报废 D.加修 [简答题]LCD下视屏自带,播放视频时可以播放伴音,同时可以通过进行音量调节。
A.四 B.三 C.二 D.一 [多选题]根据现代激励理论,下列因素中真正能对组织员工产生激励作用的是()。
A.职业认同 B.职业保障 C.工作的挑战性 D.工作条件 [单选题]扑救炼油厂火灾,在冷却灭火的 同时,可在 ()配合下,利用关阀断料、降压、导流、停止供热、停炉吹扫管线等措施,实施工艺灭火。
A.A、工程技术人员 B.B、专职队队员 C.C、消防战斗员 D.D、灭火指战员 [填空题]The human nose is an underrated tool. Humans are often thought to be insensitive smellers compared with animals, ________ this is largely because, ________ animals, we stand upright. This means that our noses are ________ to perceiving those smells which float through the air, ________ the majority of smells which stick to surfaces. In fact, ________ , we are extremely sensitive to smells, ________ we do not generally realize it. Our noses are capable of ________ human smells even when these are________to far below one part in one million.
Strangely, some people find that they can smell one type of flower but not another, ________ others are sensitive to the smells of both flowers. This may be because some people do not have the genes necessary to generate ________ smell receptors in the nose. These receptors are the cells which sense smells and send ________ to the brain. However, it has been found that even people insensitive to a certain smell ________
A. A. sure B.sick C. aware D.tired [单选题]以下不属于影响工期因素中社会因素的是( )。
A.外单位邻近工程施工干扰 B.节假日交通、市容整顿的限制 C.临时停水、停电、断路 D.不明的水文气象条件 [单项选择]溶血性黄疸常见于()。
A. 病毒性肝炎 B. 肝胆管结石 C. 蚕豆病 D. 杜-约(Dubin-Johnson)综合征 E. 吉尔贝(Gilbert)综合征 [名词解释]虚寒
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