1. Humans not only love eating ice cream, they enjoy
feeding it to their pets(宠物). Market studies show that two thirds of all dog
owners give ice cream ot their dogs. Unfortunately, says William Tyznik,
an expert on animal nutrition(营养)at Ohio State University, ice cream is
not good for dogs. "It has milk sugar in it, "he says," which dogs cannot digest
very well." 2. Bothered by that knowledge but aware of the desire of dog owners to please their companions, Tyznik invented a new frozen treat for dogs that, he says, is more nutritious than ice cream--and as much fun to eat. The product, called Frosty Paws, is made of a liquid by-product(副产品)of cheese and milk with the sugar removed. Frosty Paws also contains refined soy flour, water, [单选题]串励电动机的转速能达到( )r/min以上。
A.750 B.1000 C.1500 D.3000 [单项选择]若抽提塔不在一定压力下操作而使原料发生气化,抽提效率会()。
A. 先增大后减小 B. 增大 C. 不影响 D. 降低 [单选题]将同一性质的作业,由纵向分工改为横向分工的劳动作业改进方式是( ) 。
A.扩大作业法 B.充实业务法 C.工作连贯法 D.轮换工作法 [判断题]表示开关设备断开的指示信号、经常接入的电压表,不能作为设备无电的依据。但如果指示有电,则未经采取安全措施,禁止在设备上工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]带电作业工具的机械预防性试验标准:静荷重试验为()倍额定工作负荷下持续()min,工具无变形及损伤者为合格。
A.A.1.2;1 B.B.1.0;2 C.C.1.0;1 D.D.1.2;2 [单选题]有关在松软或破碎岩层中掘进注意事项说法错误的是( )
A.尽量缩短围岩暴露时间 B.架棚支护巷道要缩小棚距 C.采取随掘随锚喷法,放炮后要立即喷上厚厚一层混凝土做临时支护 D.采取随掘随锚喷法,打超前锚杆支护必须采取全长锚固 [单选题]前期物业管理的风险有很多,最主要的是( )。
A.合同风险 B.专业服务咨询的风险 C.项目接管的不确定性带来的风险 D.物业管理日常运作过程中存在的风险 [单选题]世界经济的三大支柱性组织是( )。
A.粮农组织、世界银行、世界贸易组织 B.国际货币基金组织、世界银行、世界贸易组织 C.关税同盟、世界银行、世界贸易组织 D.粮农组织、国际货币基金组织、世界贸易组织 [判断题]消防救援队伍核生化事故(件)处置专业队伍,应立足职能定位,开展防护、侦检、取样、封控、洗消等专项训练。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]通常情况下,液体的燃烧难易程度主要用( )的高低来衡量。
A.闪点 B.自燃点 C.最小点火能量 [判断题]配电带电作业,禁止同时拆除带电导线和地电位的绝缘隔离措施;禁止同时接触两个非连通的带电导体或带电导体与接地导体。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]某犯罪嫌疑人身份不明,因涉嫌故意伤害罪被刑事拘留。即使该犯罪嫌疑人的犯罪事实已经查清,证据确实、充分,公安机关也不能移送起诉。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]在新民主主义革命时期,城市小资产阶级包括( )
A.广大的知识分子 B.小商人 C.手工业者 D.自由职业者 [单项选择]A New Method to Kill AIDS Virus
_________(46). But researchers won’’t know for a year or more whether it will work, scientist David Ho told journalists here Wednesday for the Fourth Conference in Viruses and Infections.
"This is a study that’’s in progress," said Ho, head of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, New York.
The study involves 20 people who started combinations of anti-HIV drugs very early in the course of the disease, within 90 days of their infections. They’’ve been treated for up to 18 months. Four others have dropped out because of side effects or problems complying with the exacting drug system.
The drugs have knocked the AIDS virus down to undetectable levels in the blood of all remaining patients. And, in the latest development, scientists have now tested lymph nodes (淋巴结) and semen (精液) from a few patients and found no virus reproducing there._________(47).
Ho has calculated that the drugs should be able to wipe out remaining viruses—at
A. 急性风湿热 B. 冠心病心衰 C. 结核性心包炎心包积液 D. 病毒性心肌病 E. 梗阻性肥厚性心肌病 [判断题]高处作业的平台、走道、斜道等应装设不低于()m高的护栏(0.5~0.6处设拦腰)和()mm高的挡脚板,或设防护立网。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]若一张工作票下设多个分组工作,每个分组应分别指定分组工作负责人(监护人),并使用分组工作派工单。分组工作负责人(监护人)宜具备工作班人员资格。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Most plants can make their own food from sunlight, (1) some have discovered that stealing is an easier way to live. Thousands of plant species get by (2) photosynthesizing, and over 400 of these species seem to live by pilfering sugars from an underground (3) of fungi(真菌). But in (4) a handful of these plants has this modus operandi been traced to a relatively obscure fungus. To find out how (5) are (6) , mycologist Martin Bidartondo of the University of California at Berkeley and his team looked in their roots. What they found were (7) of a common type of fungus, so (8) that it is found in nearly 70 percent of all plants. The presence of this common fungus in these plants not only (9) at how they survive, says Bidartondo, but also suggests that many ordinary plants might prosper from a little looting, too. [判断题]按GB50496-2018《大体积混凝土施工标准》,水泥进场时应对水泥品种、代号、强度等级、包装或散装编号、出厂日期等进行检查()。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Optimism is good for the heart, a study said on Monday.
The must optimistic among a group of 545 Dutch men aged 64 to 84 had a (67) 50 percent lower risk of cardiovascular (心血管的) death over 15 years of follow-up, (68) to the study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. (69) research has suggested being optimistic (70) overall physical health and lowers (71) risk of death from all causes. A (72) attitude also has been shown to help patients who suffer (73) heart disease caused by narrowed arteries (动脉). The new study measured (74) level of optimism about their lives by having them (75) to statements such as "I do not look forward to (76) lies ahead for me in the years to come" and "My days seem to be passing by slowly," or "I am still (77) of plans." "Optimism can be (78) easily and is stable over long periods, (79) it does tend to decrease with age," said lead researche [判断题]由于流体本身的流动,而将热能从流体的高温部位的传热方式叫做辐射热。
[判断题]利用梯子作业时,双面梯允许双人双侧(前后面)分别使用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]由于实际发生的业务招待费小于税法规定的可以税前扣除的金额,所以可以全额在税前扣除,不需要做纳税调整。( )
[单选题]绝缘斗臂车绝缘臂的有效绝缘长度,330kV应大于( )m,且应在下端装设泄漏电流监视装置。
A.1.0 B.1.5 C.2.0 D.3.8 [单项选择]电子式电能表II类防护电压、电流线路,应能承受频率为50Hz()实际正弦交流电压历时1min的交流电压试验。
A. 1kV B. 2kV C. 3kV D. 4kV [简答题]封孔器封孔时的注意事有哪些?
A. 入、离、出、合 B. 离、入、合、出 C. 离、入、出、合 D. 离、合、入、出 E. 入、出、离、合 [多选题]CTC级别下哪几个车站可以实现无人自动折返功能?
A.刘园 B.勤俭道 C.李楼 D.双桥河 [单项选择]关于前庭的描述正确的是()
A. 位于骨迷路外侧部 B. 为呈圆形的空腔 C. 内藏蜗管 D. 后部有六个小孔与三个半规管相通 E. 前部有一个大孔连通耳蜗 [简答题]水文站测验河段应满足、符合哪些要求?
A.IaaS B.PaaS C.WaaS D.SaaS [单项选择]患者,女性,35岁,咳嗽1周,近2日咯血数次,每次咯血量不等,最多一次达300 ml,体检左侧肺上部呼吸音减弱,病人精神紧张。
经治疗患者咯血停止,下列护理措施不妥的是 A. 暂禁食 B. 保持大便通畅 C. 告诉患者避免剧烈咳嗽 D. 多活动,利于康复 E. 监测生命体征 [判断题]万用表的转换开关是用来选择不同的被测量和不同量限的切换元件。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交