Passage One
There was a nasty (肮脏的,卑鄙的) accident in our town not long ago, and I saw it happen. I was standing near a road which was under repair, not doing anything special--just watching the men at work. It was not far from the new motorway (高速公路) that runs past the town. It was an old road that used to be very busy--and dangerous--before the motorway was built. Today, most cars use the new "superhighway" and the old road is pretty quiet, although cars do often come off the motorway into the town faster than they should.
Anyway, the men were repairing part of the road and there were signs up for at least 200 meters, telling everybody that the road was narrower than .usual. Most of the drivers in both directions saw the signs and slowed down.
Then three cars came along close’ together, the third one moving at a very high speed. ’The first one passed the workmen and wanted to turn left. Meanwhile the third car came flying past
A. was very busy though there was a new motorway
B. was never very busy
C. was always very busy and dangerous
D. was very busy and dangerous before the construction of the new motorway
Analysts have their go at humor, and I
have read some of this interpretative literature, (1) without
being greatly instructed. Humor can be (2) , (3)
a frog can, but the thing dies in the process and the innards are
(4) to any but the pure scientific mind. One of the things (5) said about humorists is that they are really very sad ’people clowns with a breaking heart. There is some truth in it, but it is badly (6) . It would be more (7) , I think, to say that there is a deep vein of melancholy running through everyone’s life and that the humorist, perhaps more (8) of it than some others, compensates for it actively and (9) Humorists fatten on t A. interest B. threaten C. benefit D. deprive [单项选择]施放救助艇的第一步是()。
A. 打开电源开关,启动液压泵按钮 B. 解脱固定救助艇的全部索具 C. 启动起升机构的控制开关,绞起吊艇索,将救助艇吊离甲板 [单选题]如果失票人未在挂失之日起 ()日内按时出示人民法院止付通知的,次日起挂失止付通知失效。
A.10.0 B.11.0 C.12.0 D.13.0 [判断题]《空调列车服务质量规范》非电气化餐车按规定检查蒸饭锅炉水位(压)表、水温表、验水阀状况,不漏水,不缺水。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]有110kV母差保护的变电站,应具备母差保护动作后闭锁故障母线断路器再次合闸的功能;中、低压有源的变电站,应具备在运行线路跳闸的同时跳开中、低压联网的有源线路断路器的功能。
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 [单选题]1171、超长列车禁止编挂装有( )的车辆、限速的机车车辆,以及在运行中有其他特殊要求的车辆。
A.超限货物 B.爆炸品 C.气体类危险货物 [简答题]创建商务网站之前应该从哪几个方面进行策划与定位?
A. 全国优秀校园 B. 全国文明校园 C. 全国榜样校园 [单项选择]用电子管作为电子器件制成的计算机属于( )。
A. 第一代 B. 第二代 C. 第三代 D. 第四代 [单选题]影响质量的 4M1E 因素中的“1E”是指 ( )。( )
A.专家 B.经济 C.环境 D.经验 [单选题]仓库的疏散门应采用向疏散方向开启的( ),但丙.丁.戊类仓库首层靠墙的外侧可采用推拉门或卷帘门。
A.平开门 B.旋转门 C.推拉门 D.卷帘门 [判断题]营门警卫人员对出入营门的分队、首长和上级应当敬礼,分队带队指挥员、首长和上级应当还礼。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]根据库兹涅茨对长期消费资料的研究,所得出的结论与凯恩斯的结论不同,从而出现了“消费函数之谜”。其结论有()
A. 边际消费倾向小于平均消费倾向 B. 边际消费倾向与平均消费倾向基本相等 C. 长期平均消费倾向是稳定的 D. 长期平均消费倾向是下降的 [单选题]锡焊是 ( )的 种。
A.轩焊 B.熔焊 C.压焊 我来回答: 提交