The climate of earth has fluctuated
quite a bit over the last 4.6 billion years of our planers history and it can be
expected that the climate will continue to change. One of the most intriguing
questions in earth science is whether the periods of ice ages are over or are we
living in an "interglacial" period of time between ice ages The geologic time period we are now living in is known as the Holocene(全新世). This epoch began about 11,000 years ago which was the end of the last glacial period and the end of the Pleistocene (更新世) epoch. The Pleistocene was an epoch of cool glacial and warmer interglacial periods which began about 1.8 million years ago. Since the glacial period known as the "Wisconsin" in North America and "Wrm" in Europe when over 10 million square miles (about 27 million km2) of North America, A. The climate of earth has fluctuated quite a bit over the last 4.6 billion years. B. An increase in the earth’s temperature will have major consequences for all life on this planet. C. The information we have got makes us unable to explain the global warming completely. D. The Pleistocene began about 1.8 million years ago. [单项选择]肠系膜上动脉起始部发生栓塞,可引起下列哪段肠管发生血运障碍()。
A. 全部小肠 B. 远端小肠及右半结肠 C. 屈氏韧带以下的小肠 D. 屈氏韧带以下的小肠及右半结肠 E. 右半结肠 [判断题]视觉条件不良时,可以在无照明条件下开关电器设备。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]装有进路表示器的出站信号机,当该表示器不良时,由办理发车人员,以口头通知司机及运转车长,列车可凭出站信号机的显示出发。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在以单利计息的情况下,总利息与本金、利率以及计息周期数( )。
A. 相等 B. 没有关系 C. 成正比关系 D. 成反比关系 [判断题]把湿润的红色石蕊试纸放到已充满氨气的集气瓶瓶口,试纸变蓝。
[判断题]两个以上生产经营单位在同一作业区域内进行生产经营活动,可能危及对方生产安全的,应当签订安全生产管理协议,明确各自的安全生产管理职责和应当采取的安全措施。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]They resort()fast food which is fatty and contains high amount of cholesterol.
A. with B. at C. on D. to [判断题] 在对外开放中,我们既要坚持独立自主原则,又要主动融入经济全球化进程。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]线路拨道作业(曲线)的程序和方法( ).
A.测量曲线正矢值及轨缝值 B.进行计算各点拨量、排除拨道障碍 C.液压拨道机的使用及位置放 D.拨点前后顺撬、目视曲线园顺 E. 测量曲线各点拨后数值 F.整理回填夯实道床 [单选题]进见上级时,在进入上级室内前,应当敲门并喊“报告”,得到允许后方可以进入并向( );进入同级或者其他人员室内前,应当敲门,经允许后方可以进入
A.上级敬礼 B.上级问好 C.上级打招呼 D.表示感谢 [单项选择]甲、乙、丙三人分别出资2000元买了一套洗涤设备,设立了普通合伙企业。甲准备将自己所占份额的50%按1000元转让。甲通知乙、丙后,乙表示愿意以800元买下,丙未表态。丁知道后,表示愿以1000元买下甲转让的份额。丙见丁想买,随即向甲表示愿以1000元买下甲转让的份额。如果合伙企业对此没有约定,正确的做法是( )。
A. 甲应将其份额转让给乙 B. 甲应将其份额转让给丁 C. 甲应将其份额转让给丙 D. 甲不能转让 [单选题] ( )不是为了解决珠光体钢和奥氏体不锈钢焊接接头中的碳迁移问题,而采取的措施。
A.焊后焊接接头尽量不热处理 B.尽量缩短焊件高温停留时间 C. 提高奥氏体填充材料中的含镍量 D.降低焊件的工作温度 [单项选择]某企业某月销售商品发生商业折扣10万元、现金折扣5万元、销售折让8万元。该企业上述业务计入当月财务费用的金额为( )万元。
A. 15 B. 5 C. 23 D. 18 我来回答: 提交