Hurricane (飓风) Katrina A hurricane is a fiercely powerful, rotating(旋转的)form of tropical storm that can be 124 to 1,240 miles in diameter. The term hurricane is derived from Hurican, the name of a native American storm god. Hurricanes are typical of a calm central region of low pressure between "12 to 60 miles in diameter, known as the eye. They occur in tropical regions. Over its lifetime, one of these can release as much energy as 10,000 nuclear bombs. The seed for hurricane formation is a cluster(聚集) of thunderstorm over warm tropical waters. Hurricanes can only form and be fed when the sea-surface temperature exceeds 27℃ and the surrounding atmosphere is calm. These requirements are met between June and November in the northern part of the world. Under these conditions, lar A. The area affected is almost as big as the UK. B. It has left a disaster zone of 90,000 square miles. C. Over half a million people have been forced to leave their homes. D. This crisis is more serious than that of the Great Depression. [单选题]提示胎儿缺氧的胎动计数()
A.3次/小时 B.5次/小时 C.<10次/12小时 D.30次/24小时 E.不规则 [填空题]企业应建立()制度,指定专门机构或人员负责管理。
[多项选择]在市政工程及房屋建筑工程项目中,对( )实行见证取样。
A. 工程材料 B. 砌体强度 C. 承重结构混凝土试块 D. 结构工程的受力钢筋接头 E. 承重墙体的砂浆试块 [单项选择]
Have you ever wondered what our future is like Practically all people (1) a desire to predict their future (2) . Most people seem inclined to (3) this task using causal reasoning. First we (4) recognize that future circumstances are (5) caused or conditioned by present ones. We learn that getting an education will (6) how much money we earn later and that swimming beyond the reef may bring an unhappy (7) with a shark. Second, people also learn that such (8) of cause and effect are probabilistic (可能的) in nature. That is, the effects occur more often when the causes occur than when the causes are (9) but not always. Thus, students learn that studying hard (10) good grades in most instances, but not every time. [判断题]呼救器分为普通型和通信型两种。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]驼峰信号工在人员不足时可到打风室进行空压机操作。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]公安机关应当及时将鉴定意见告知()
A.违法嫌疑人 B.违法嫌疑人的亲属 C.被侵害人 D.其他与案件有利害关系的人 [判断题]挖掘作业现场应设置护栏、盖板和明显的警示标志。在人员密集场所或区域施工时,夜间应悬挂红灯警示。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]干邑酒的质量级别中,OX是指该酒已陈酿()年以上。
A. 2 B. 10 C. 25 D. 40 [判断题]采掘、运输、排土等机械设备作业时,可以检修维护。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]OPT的原则包括( )。
A.瓶颈不能控制库存和产销率。 B.转运批量可以不等于加工批量。 C.加工批量应是可变的,而不是固定的。 D.安排作业计划应同时兼顾所有的约束,提前期是作业计划的结果,而不应是预定值。 [单项选择]预真空压力蒸汽灭菌器的装载量不得小于柜室容积的
A. 5% B. 10% C. 15% D. 20% E. 25% [单选题]2.拟任国有商业银行、股份制商业银行行长、副行长的,应具备本科以上学历,从事金融工作( )年以上,或从事相关经济工作( )年以上。
A.A.5,9 B.B.6,10 C.C.7,11 D.D.8,12 [简答题]简述3-6岁儿童词汇发展的特点。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]使用移动电器设备必须按照规定选择与设备容量匹配的()。
A. 电压 B. 电源 C. 开关 D. 插座 我来回答: 提交
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