4岁患儿,女,因全身水肿,以肾病综合征入院。体检:面部、腹壁及双下肢水肿明显。化验检查:尿蛋白(++++),胆固醇升高,血浆白蛋白降低。 |
If you ever went to the United States
to study in a college or a university, one of the first things you would have to
do is to open a checking account. If you went to a bank to open an account, you
would probably go through most of the following procedures. Not all banks have
the same requirements for opening new accounts, of course, and the routine may
vary somewhat. First you would go to the New Accounts Department and fill out a signature card. In order to open an account, you would have to offer proof of your identity (身份). A passport is one of the best kinds of identification to have, but other kinds are accepted, one of the most common being a driver’s license. You would need to have a permanent address in the city, and you would also be asked to supply the name of a permanent resident who is willing to recommend you. For this pu A. it’s difficult to open a checking account in America B. you must always keep at least $ 50 in your account C. you must deposit $ 50 at least for opening an account D. while studying in America, you must have a checking account [多选题]灭火战斗行动包括( )。
A.接警出动; B.火场供水; C.、火灾扑救; D.火场摄像; E.火场勘察; [单选题]针对设计模式中的单例模式,为了实现“单例”,必须要做到
A.给该类创建一个有参构造方法 B.私有化构造函数 C.将构造函数的访问级别改为protected D.给该类分别创建无参和有参构造方法 [判断题]有条件拆下的构件,如油管、阀门等应拆下来移至安全场所。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]手动操作杆操作手轮宜在井架底座外,靠手轮端支撑牢固,操作杆活动不得受限。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在飞行时间内,飞行记录器和驾驶舱话音记录器应
A.同时打开; B.交换使用; C.间断使用。 [判断题]出质人与质权人可以协议设立最高额质权。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]皮肤常突然发生片状水肿隆起的皮损,自觉剧瘁,可时起时退的皮损是
A. 斑疹 B. 丘疹 C. 风团 D. 结节 E. 斑丘疹 [单项选择]与显示器一样能决定系统可以使用最高屏幕分辨率的是()。
A. U盘 B. 键盘 C. 显示卡 D. 硬盘 [判断题]水轮发电机主轴分为一根轴和分段轴两种结构形式。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]已知字符A的ASCII码值为65,以下语句的输出结果是 【3】 。
char ch=’B’;
[单项选择]下列不属于委托代理关系终止原因的是( )。
A. 代理期间届满或代理事务完成 B. 被代理人取消委托或代理人辞去委托 C. 代理人丧失民事行为能力或代理人死亡 D. 被代理人取得或恢复民事行为能力 [单项选择]以下消化酶中,在胰腺内以无活性酶原形式存在的是()
A. 脂肪酶 B. 淀粉酶 C. 脱氧核糖核酸酶 D. 糜蛋白酶 E. 核糖核酸酶 我来回答: 提交