Excite’s Universal Inbox: A Mixed Bag
If information is coming at you from mo many directions, Excite @ Home’s Excite Inbox promises a solution. This Web site gives you one Inbox for e-mail, voice mail, and faxes, and, perhaps best of all, you get it all for free. It’s not a particularly good inbox.
The service is pretty much your standard Web-based e-mail system, not much different from Hotmail or any other, you can visit it from any Web-enabled computer. It supports attachments, displays formatted messages properly, and can read messages from your standard POP e-mail accounts in addition to any other account you set up with Excite. And, just like the other e-mail services on the Web, it’s much slower than non-Web-based e-mail. You do get one unique feature: you can personalize the Excite Inbox with your choice of nine unread-mail icons and 15 color schemes, including Lavender, Techno, and Mint Julep. It’s a nice feature, but not an
A. Excite Inbox is a mailbox which is not much different from the ordinary mailboxes.
B. You can visit Excite Inbox from any Web-enabled computer.
C. The Excite Inbox supports attachment, displays formatted messages properly and can read messages from your standard POP e-mail.
D. The Excite Inbox e-mail services are much slower than non-Web-based e-mail.
It may look like just another
playgroup, but a unique educational center in Manhattan is really giving babies
something to talk about. "It’s a school to teach languages to babies and young
children with games, songs--some of the classes also have arts and crafts," said
Francois Thibaut, the founder of the Language Workshop for Children, a place
where babies become bilingual. Children as young as few months are exposed to French and Spanish before many of them can even speak English. Educators use special songs and visual (视觉的) aids to ensure that when a child is ready to talk, the languages will not be so foreign. "Children have a unique capacity to learn many languages at the same time," said Thibaut. "Already at nine months, a child can tell the differences between the sounds he or she has heard since birth and the sounds A. capable of using two languages B. both clever and confident C. aware of their own limitations and strengths D. independent of their parents [单项选择]与听力障碍患者进行沟通时应()。
A. 让患者看到护士的面部表情和口形 B. 尽量简短,不超过10~15分钟 C. 避免或减少非语言信息 D. 尽量使用短句进行沟通 E. 打断患者的陈述转变话题 [单项选择]稽核审计系统机构编码规则由()统一编制和维护。
A. 省联社 B. 办事处 C. 各行社 D. 各网点 [单项选择]下列选项中不属于损失的是()。
A. 固定资产的报废净损失 B. 自然灾害造成的损失 C. 债务重组造成的损失 D. 管理费用 [单选题]在承揽合同中,承揽人应承担违约责任的情形是( )。
A.承揽人发现定作人提供的材料不合格,遂自行更换为自己确认合格的材料 B.承揽人发现定作人提供的图纸不合理,立即停止工作并通知定作人,因等待答复'未能如期完成工作 C.因不可抗力造成标的物毁损 D.因定作人未按期支付报酬,承揽人拒绝交付工作成果 [单选题]里程K12+35“K”代表( )。
A.米 B.千米 C.千米数 D.米数 [单项选择]4L桶盖注胶机开机前应检查胶罐内()与待注桶底、盖的要求是否相符。
A. 胶的品种 B. 胶的颜色 C. 胶的用量 D. 胶的密度 [多项选择]关于行政机关行使自由裁量权,下列说法正确的是( )。
A. 行政机关行使自由裁量权应遵守合理性原则 B. 一个自由裁量行为,只要没有违反合法性原则,便不存在合理性问题 C. 在法律没有规定限制条件情况下,行政机关在不违反宪法和法律的前提下,可以采取必要的措施 D. 法律只规定了模糊的标准,没有明确的范围和方式,行政机关在不违背常规的情况下可采取具体措施 E. 根据法律明确规定的范围、幅度和方式,行政机关可根据具体情况选择采用 [判断题]钢轨标准长度为12.5m和25m两种。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]超声波传播遇到界面后会发生多种效应,除外( )
A.反射 B.散射 C.入射与折射 D.衍射与绕射 E.散焦 [判断题]4.114. 第114题
电压回路端子排的检查:查看端子排内外部接线是否正确,是否有松动,是否压到电缆表皮,有没有接触不良情况。 A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]信号工区所维修的所有信号设备都是已投入运用的行车设备,这些行车设备的使用权属于车站行车人员和电务人员。
[单选题] 逐点比较法直线插补的判别式函数为( )。
A.F= XiYe+ XeYi B.F=XeYi-XiYe C.F= XiYi+XeYe D.F= Ye- Yi 我来回答: 提交