W: Good morning. Could I speak to Sales Manager, please
M: I’m sorry. He’s not in this morning. Who’s speaking, please
W: Sarah Jones of the Family Shopping Center. Have you got any idea when he’ll be back
M: I’m afraid he probably won’t be back until tomorrow. Can I give him a message
W: Yes, please. I’ m Sarah Jones. That’ s J-O-N-E-S. He can reach me most easily on 574430.
M: And what’s the message
W: Well, I was wondering if he could give an exhibition of your company’s washing machines in the Family Shopping Center any time next week
M: Ok, I’ll tell him as soon as he comes in tomorrow.
W: Thank you very much.
M: You are welcome.
In business, if not politics, the world
has quietened down a bit: the number of spectacular bankruptcies, indictments,
scandals, and implosions is not as high as it was. Although executives still
have to face a global slowdown, the uncertain effects of the war in the Middle
East, and the still fresh confusion over bird flu, they might now be excused a
deep breath and a look at aspects of their businesses that may have been
neglected in the scramble to stay on top of new accounting laws and restated
earnings. One area to start catching up on is knowledge. This is true both personally, as executives Work out whether or not they are staying on top of internal or external developments, but also at the level of companies. A survey of knowledge management, Knowledge Unplugged, published in 2005 by McKinsey, A. some corporations are doomed to go bankrupt. B. executives have been trying to acquire knowledge. C. there are still some political disputes in the world. D. the economy is undergoing a revival. [单项选择]科学研究不是“记工分式”的简单劳动。而是不折不扣的智力冒险。科技奖励以“第一”论英雄,并不是推崇“个人主义”、否定其他参与者的功劳,而是旨在强调第一发现者在科学研究中独一无二的贡献。只有尊重“第一”、崇尚“首创”,才能激发更多的勇者不畏艰难,向着光辉的顶点执着攀登。如果在科技奖励中采取“人人有份”的平均主义,不仅不公,而且有害:这样做不仅消解了第一发现者或发明人的价值,也会打击他们的创新积极性,阻碍重大原创成果的产生。
这段文字主要支持的观点是: A. 科学研究是一种复杂的智力冒险,第一发现者在其中起着决定性作用 B. 平均主义的奖励方案虽然公平,却会消解发明人的价值,不利于创新 C. 科学奖励的标准应力求公正,以实现首创者与其他参与者的利益平衡 D. 崇尚“第一”的科技奖励原则有助于调动研究者的积极性,促进科技创新 [单选题]焊条直径大小不受影响的是( )。
A.材料的厚度 B. 焊接位置 C.焊接厚度 D.接头形式。 [多项选择]《铁路旅客运输办理细则》对需补收票款差额的,办理时,发售()或收回原票,换发代用票。
A. 办理时,发售补价票或收回原票,换发代用票。 B. 补收的差额票价填写在代用票补收栏内。 C. 补收的差额票价填写在代用票加收栏内。 D. 换发代用票时,收回的原票随代用票丙联上报。 [简答题]陶瓷生产中,什么叫“两点一度”?
[单选题]( )设备可用与带电部分直接接触的绝缘隔板代替临时遮栏。
A.35千伏及以上 B.35千伏及以下 C.6千伏及以上 D.6千伏及以下 [判断题]根据《中国南方电网有限责任公司仓储特种设备作业指导书》叉车作业风险预控措施,不准叉车去拖其他车。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]“我行发行了理财产品,无任何风险,收益稳定,稳赚不赔”。上述说法正确。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]哪些患者不可以使用皮牵引?
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