Obesity is defined as body weight of 15
percent or more above the ideal for one’s height and age. {{U}} 62 {{/U}}
this criterion, about one third of the adult population of the United States is
obese. The {{U}} 63 {{/U}} of obesity vary in different races, cultures,
sub-cultures, and social classes. In industrialized countries, fatness tends to
be {{U}} 64 {{/U}} correlated with socioeconomic status: people in
lower social classes tend to be more obese. In economically backward
nations, the direction of the correlation is reversed; the richer, the
fatter. The situation in the underdeveloped world probably approximates
the {{U}} 65 {{/U}} of affairs through most of human evolution.
Particularly for women, {{U}} 66 {{/U}} pregnancies could {{U}} 67
{{/U}} into times of scarcity, larger internal food {{U}} 68 {{/U}}
were adapted in the fa A. who B. whom C. whose D. that [单选题]甲公司 2019 年境内外所得在我国实际应缴纳的企业所得税是( )万元。
A.750 B.765 C.780 D.1050 E.805 [单项选择]偏瘫患者在帮助下从坐位到立位的转移,正确是()。
A. 患者必须学会向前倾斜躯干,保持脊柱伸直 B. 患者必须学会依靠键腿负重站起 C. 转移过程中治疗师向下压患者的患膝,鼓励患者站立时健腿充分负重 D. 治疗师应教会患者在站立时双膝过伸承重 E. 患者在帮助下从轮椅上站起时,轮椅可不制动,脚踏板也不必移开 [单选题]()指单位时间内排到管路系统的液体体积。
A.A.流量 B.B.扬程 C.C.转速 D.D.功率 [单项选择]病毒性肝炎时,肝细胞最易发生
A. 脂肪变 B. 玻璃样变 C. 细胞水肿及气球样变 D. 淀粉样变性 [简答题]发酵:
[单选题]进入库区的所有机动车辆,必须( )。
A.有防止火花溅出的安全措施 B.安装防火罩 C.司机交出火柴等物品 D.关闭发动机 [单项选择]单位(子单位)工程质量竣工验收时,各项验收记录中的验收结论应由( )填写。
A. 监理单位 B. 建设单位 C. 施工单位 D. 质量监督站 [单选题] 根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,意外伤害保险费由施工单位支付。实行施工总承包的,由总承包单位支付意外伤害保险费。意外伤害保险期限自( )止。
A.建设开工之日起至有意外伤害发生 B. 有意外伤害发生起至竣工验收合格 C. 开工令下达起至竣工 D. 建设工程开工之日起至竣工验收合格 [单项选择]The Space Age officially began on October 4, 1957, (1) the Soviet Union launched the modest 185-pound Sputnik Ⅰ, the first (2) satellite to orbit the earth. The following month, Russians succe- ssfully launched the 1100-pound Sputnik Ⅱ, (3) carried into space the globe, a female dog (4) Laika, who suffocated (窒息) on the sixth day of the (5) because of a failure (6) the internal temperature of the craft. But the satellite itself orbited the earth for 162 days and (7) up on reentering the earth’s atmosphere.
The United States, (8) second fiddle (小提琴) to its superpower (9) , orbited its first satellite, Explorer I, on January 31, 1958. It was a lightweight, 18-pound craft, carrying not animals but (10) instruments to study the (11) bands of energy in space (12) as the Van Allen radiation belts. Within the (13) fifteen years man had gone to th A. wet B. damp C. moist D. dry [单项选择]每个IGBT换流阀都带有一个?()
A. 正并联晶闸管 B. 反并联晶闸管 C. 正并联二极管 D. 反并联二极管 [单项选择]某建筑工地需用3台800千牛·米塔式起重机。总承包单位与一家安装单位签订了安装合同。安装前应做的准备工作有:()应当与安装单位签订建筑起重机械安装、拆卸工程安全协议书。
A. 施工总承包单位 B. 业主 C. 监理 D. 当地安全监督部门 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输办理细则》(铁运〔1997〕103号)规定,因列车满员或意外事件列车停止运行,旅客不能按票面指定的日期、车次乘车车站为旅客办理通票有效期延长时应在通票背面注明“因××延长有效期×日”并加盖名章。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]设汁使用商标应注意的事项有哪些
A.目标 B.结构 C.领导 D.嫉妒 我来回答: 提交