C 根据下面短文回答下列问题。 Long long ago, there was an old farmer who had seven children. When he thought that he was about to die, he let them come to his bed. He told the servant to bring in a bundle (一捆) of seven sticks (棍子) tied together (栓在一起). Giving the bundle to his oldest child, the father said to him, "Now break the bundle." The son tried with all his strength, but he could not break the bundle. One by one, the other children tried. But not one of them was strong enough to break it. The father smiled, "Now my children, untie the bundle. Each of you takes a stick and tries to break it." This time they had no difficulty doing it as their father told them. In a minute, all the sticks were broken. The seven children then understood what their father wanted to tell them. |
Artificial flowers are used for
scientific as Well as for decorative purposes. They are made from (51)
of materials, such as wax and glass, so skillfully that they can
scarcely be (52) from natural flowers. In making such models,
painstaking skill and artistry are called for, (53) thorough
knowledge of plant structure. The (54) of glass flowers in
the Botanical Museum of Harvard University is the most famous in North America
and is widely known (55) the scientific world. (56)
, there are several thousand models in colored glass, the work of two
artist naturalists, Leopold Blalschka and his son Rudolph. The intention was to have the collection (57) at least one member of each flower family native to the United States. (58) it was never completed, it contains more than seven hundred species A. Because B. However C. Nevertheless D. Although [单选题]【技能鉴定2019 技师】在220V的电源上并联接入5只灯泡,功率分别为:两只40W,一只15W,一只25W,一只100W,这5只灯泡从电源取出的总电流为( )A。
A. 40 B. 5 C. 1 D. 100 [单选题]出血时间缩短常见于
A.血小板减少症 B.遗传性毛细血管扩张症 C.血小板无力症 D.血栓性疾病 E.血小板贮存池病 [判断题]避雷网、避雷针等设施,有腐蚀情况的要及时更换。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列选项中,不属于时钟系统的技术特点( )
A. 扩展方便 B.兼容性好 C.高精确性、高可靠性 D.复杂性强 [多项选择]甲身患梅毒,于2001年10月4日挟持女青年孙某逼迫其拍裸照,并将其强奸,后甲将录制的孙某的裸照于社会上公开散发。2001年12月,孙某被检查出也患有梅毒。甲侵犯了孙某的哪些权利( )
A. 荣誉权 B. 健康权 C. 性自由权 D. 隐私权 [单项选择]曝气池控制标准中,曝气池中污泥在冬季的污泥龄的控制范围为()天。
A. 2~4 B. 4~8 C. 6~9 D. 11~13 [判断题]直流隔离开关单柱垂直伸缩式本体检修引弧角无严重烧伤或断裂情况。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]谢某与赵某于2004年结婚,2005年谢某以个人名义向朋友借款20万元购买商品房一套,夫妻共同居住。2008年,谢某与赵某协议离婚,家具电器归谢某所有,房产归赵某所有。谢某向朋友所借的钱在离婚时应如何处理( )
A. 由谢某偿还 B. 由赵某偿还 C. 以夫妻共同财产偿还 D. 主要由谢某偿还,赵某承担连带责任 [单选题]灭火器上的压力表用红、黄、绿三色表示灭火器的压力情况,当指针指在绿色区域表示( )。
A.正常 B.偏高 C.偏低 D.不能使用 [单项选择]B-ISDN为了实现网络传输的高速率与低延迟采用了
A. 线路交换方式 B. 同步传输模式 C. 分组交换方式 D. 异步传输模式 [简答题]遇暴风雨雪或夜间无照明,能否跟踪出站调车?
A. 五味子 B. 紫菀 C. 百部 D. 柯子肉 E. 罌粟壳 F. 桔梗 G. 知母 [多项选择]大力加强和改进师德建设,努力培养和造就一支()的高素质的 专业型高校教师队伍。
A. 师德高尚 B. 业务精湛 C. 结构合理 D. 充满活力 [简答题]请描述岩石单轴抗压强度试验的制样、试验、资料整理的过程和计算方法。
[单选题]下列不属于部门法的是( )
A.行政法 B.民商法 C.立法法 D.经济法 [多项选择]原文明确说明,下列脉象禁予辛温发汗的是()
A. 尺中脉微 B. 脉浮弱 C. 尺中迟 D. 脉浮数 E. 脉浮紧 [单选题]允许速度大于120km/h的线路应采用( )及以上钢轨,小半径曲线地段及重载线路应铺设全长淬火轨。
A.A75kg/m B.B60kg/m C.C50kg/m D.D43kg/m [多选题]下列溶液敞口放置在空气中,一段时间后溶液质量分数减小的是( )
A.浓盐酸 B.稀硫酸 C.浓硫酸 D.食盐水 我来回答: 提交