{{B}}Life at Aichi
University{{/B}} I’m Yamamoto Mika, a 22-year old Japanese girl. I’d like to invite you to Aichi University so you can understand my life. Our university has a close relationship with China and my department is the only one of its kind in Japan. My courses include the Chinese language, modem Chinese politics and economics. I love the Chinese culture and I have been to Tian jin as an exchange student. In Japan, our courses are divided into compulsory, optional and specialized courses. However, we have a flexible schedule. We can choose classes from a wide range of options. Many students finish the compulsory courses in three years so that they can have one year without any classes. They often use this period of time to study abroad, conduct res A. interview celebrities. B. buy drinks and snacks. C. get permission from the organizer. D. take to it a course you have cooked. [单项选择]食管癌好发于食管的
A. 上段 B. 中段 C. 中上段 D. 中下段 E. 胃食管前庭段 [单项选择]施工方案由施工项目部技术人员编制,并经安全、质量管理人员、技术负责人或施工单位技术管理人员审核,施工单位()批准。
A. 项目经理 B. 技术负责人 C. 总工 D. 专责 [单选题]此次事故的发生应对相关管理者追究()。
A.安全责任 B.民事责任 C.其他法律责任 D.行政责任 [单选题]于先生受命前往一家多年亏损的企业担任厂长。到任之后,他待人热情,早上早早地站在工厂的门口迎候大家,如果有的员工迟到,他并不是批评和指责,而是询问原因,主动帮助员工解决实际困难。一周下来,大家看到厂长每天都提前到厂,而且又待人热情,原来习惯于迟到的员工也不迟到了。从这件事情来看,是什么权力使于厂长产生了如此大的影响?( )
A.个人影响权 B.专长权 C.法定权 D.个人影响权和法定权 [填空题]对于关键或特殊岗位人员至少___的实操考核通过,方可胜任。
A.20,50 B.25,40 C.30,60 [单选题]下列卫星工作多址方式中具备如下特点的是( );各站所发的信号在结构上各不相同,并且相互具有准 正交性,以区别地址,而在频率、时间、空间上都可能重叠。
A.频分多址方式 B.时分多址方式 C.空分多址方式 D.码分多址方式 [简答题]何谓介入治疗?
A.智力和学习环境 B.学习目标和态度 C.认知结构和态度 D.年龄和学习材料 我来回答: 提交