Television: The Cyclops That Eats Books{{/B}} What is destroying America today is not the liberal breed of politicians, or the International Monetary Fund bankers, misguided educational elite, or the World Council of Churches. These are largely symptoms of a greater disorder. But if there is any single institution to blame, it is television. Television, in fact, has greater power over the lives of most Americans than any educational system or government or church. Children particularly are easily influenced. They are fascinated, hypnotized(着迷的) and tranquilized by TV. It is often the center of their world. Even when the set is turned off, they continue to tell stories about what they’ve seen on it. No wonder, then, that when they grow up they are not prepared for the frontline of life; they simply A. a positive effect B. a negative effect C. no effect D. s beneficial effect [判断题]工作许可人、工作负责人对有触电危险、检修(施工)复杂容易发生事故的工作,应增设专责监护人,并确定其监护的人员和工作范围。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在光的作用下,物体内的电子逸出物体表面,向外发射的现象叫()。
A. 外光电效应 B. 压电效应 C. 磁电效应 D. 声光效应 [单选题]无缝道岔限位器顶死或两股尖轨相错量超过( )mm时,必须做好放散或调整工作。
A.10 B.15 C.20 D.25 [单选题]车站须建立车站工作卡借用登记制度。运营时段,厅巡岗或票亭岗上岗时应在哪里借用车站工作卡?
A.值班站长 B.行车值班员 C.中心站管理人员 D.客运值班员 [简答题]对散打裁判员的要求是什么?
A.成正比 B.成反比 C.无关 D.与之平方成正比 [多选题]对使用钢渣作为集料的沥青混合料,应按现行试验规程进行( )试验。
A.A.活性 B.B.膨胀性 C.C.水稳定性 D.D.渗水 [单项选择]PY160平地机使用的离合器的分离盘与分离轴承的间隙为().
A. 2.5mm B. 2mm C. 1.5mm D. 1mm [单选题]特种设备检验、检测机构及其检验、检测人员在检验、检测中发现特种设备存在严重事故隐患时,应当及时告知相关单位,并立即向( )报告
A.负责安全生产监管的部门; B.负责特种设备安全监督管理的部门; C.所在行业主管部门 [单项选择]下列选项中,对民族乐器笛子的归类,正确的一项是()。
A. 拉弦乐器 B. 吹奏乐器 C. 打击乐器 D. 弹拨乐器 [多选题]088烟草种子()其中一项达不到指标的即为不合格种子。
A.水分 B.净度 C.纯度 D.发芽率 [单项选择]药师调剂处方时必须做到()
A. "三查七对" B. "四查十对" C. "四查七对" D. "四查五对" E. "四查八对" [多选题]下列对国家安全生产监督管理人员所承担的职责描述正确的是()。
A.参加安全事故应急救援与事故调查处理 B.在发现职业危害严重时,须立即责令用人单位停产停业整顿,并向有关部门报告 C.对存在重大事故隐患的用人单位,应及时提出整改意见,并向有关部门报告 D.宣传安全生产法律、法规和国家有关方针和政策 E.监督检查生产经营单位执行安全生产法律、法规的情况 [单选题]A-B-B-004 5 2 2
( ),可能因翻塌、坠落等意外而危及营业线行车安全的工程施工,列为B类施工。 A.开挖路基、路基注浆、基桩施工等影响路基稳定的施工 B.开挖基坑、降水和挖孔桩施工 C.邻近营业线进行现浇梁、钢板桩等施工的设备和材料翻落后侵入营业线设备安全限界的施工 D.路基填筑或弃土等施工 [简答题]继电保护装置的任务是什么?
[填空题]Read the text below and answer Questions 14-22.
Employees and Contractors An employee is someone who performs work under a contract of employment. Identifying who is, or is not, an employee has become an increasingly disputed area, with a number of different factors to be considered. Non-employees may be ’independent contractors’ or ’sub-contractors’ and are employed under a contract for services or even as agents representing a client business. The legal consequences of being an independent contractor are significantly different to those for employees. Only an ’employee’ can be covered by an award award:something(e.g.a pay rise)given as a result of arbitration(process of resolving a dispute e.g between employers and a trade union) or make a workplace agreement. However, some cleaners, outworkers and some drivers of public passenger vehicles who might ordinarily be considered independent contractors are deemed to be employ [判断题]磺胺类药物具有芳伯氨基结构,可用重氮化-偶合反应鉴别,该法在盐酸存在下与亚硝酸钠发生反应。
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