Trees are useful to man (61)
three very important ways: they provide him (62)
wood and other produces; they help to check soil erosion and they help to
(63) drought and floods. (64) , in many parts of the world, man has not realized that the (65) of these services is the most important. In his eagerness to draw quick profit from the trees, he has cut them down in large (66) , only to find that (67) them he has lost the best friend he had. Two (68) years ago a rich and powerful country cut down its trees to build w A. Generally B. Fortunately C. Unfortunately D. Probably [单项选择]以下内容中不属于VBA提供的数据验证函数的足 ______.
A. Is Text B. Is Date C. Is Numeric D. Is Null [单选题]列车上发现烈性传染病患者必要时,应通知( )处理污染现场。
A.前方站 B.铁路防疫部门 C.车站 D.有关部门 [单选题]皮肤创口缝合后过度外翻是因为
A. 进针点距创缘过远 B. 两侧进针深度不一致 C. 皮肤切口两侧进针间距大于皮下间距 D. 皮肤切口两侧进针间距小于皮下间距 E. 打结过紧 [填空题]通过BSP研究而提出的具体建议有______、______、分布信息系统规划和总体结构优先顺序等4个方面。
[判断题]( )水头损失可以区分为沿程水头损失和局部水头损失。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]有一30μF电容器,加在两端的电压为500V,则该电容器极板上储存的电荷量为(____)C。
A.3 B.0.015 C.5 D.15 [单选题]变压器发生内部故障时的主保护是()
A.瓦斯保护 B.差动保护 C.过流保护 D.速断保护 [判断题] 高层建筑房间物品着火后,燃烧产生的热量会使室内温度逐步升高,空气体积膨胀,表现为压力升高,形成火风压。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]“三层五点”采样法不适用于()
A. 瓶、罐装食品 B. 液体样品 C. 固体样品 D. 车船散装固体样品 E. 粮仓盛放的粮食 [单项选择]分相式多相补偿距离继电器每一相继电器以何电气量作为极化电压?
A. 相电压 B. 相补偿电压 C. 滞后相补偿电压 D. 超前相补偿电压 我来回答: 提交