Frank knew he was {{U}} (56)
{{/U}} ill. He spent days walking {{U}} (57) {{/U}} as far as thirty
miles in a day, {{U}} (58) {{/U}}with the pain and strange thoughts in
his mind. Then one night, he made up his {{U}} (59) {{/U}} that he would
go to the hospital and ask them to admit him. He reported to out - patients and
asked to {{U}} (60) {{/U}}a psychiatrist. A junior doctor eventually examined him and {{U}} (61) {{/U}} to Frank’ s confused account of having {{U}} (62) {{/U}} in hospital before, of how he thought he ought to {{U}} (63) {{/U}} again because he was so confused and knew something was very {{U}} (64) {{/U}}with him. The doctor did not admit him. Frank can not {{U}} (65) {{/U}}whether he was told that the hospital was full or that they simply did not believe him. "! felt I was completely alone. I thought these was {{ A. search B. fond C. find D. find out [单项选择]有排卵正常月经
A. 经前诊刮子宫内膜呈分泌反应不良 B. 月经期第5天诊刮子宫内膜为混合型 C. 经前诊刮子宫内膜呈增生型 D. 经前诊刮子宫内膜呈分泌型 E. 子宫内膜为蜕膜 [判断题]国铁集团关于印发《中国铁路运输收入稽查工作规则》(铁财〔2020〕102号),查验旅客车票时,一般情况下应会同列车员共同进行,必要时也可单独进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列选项中哪些应认定为无效的民事行为( )
A. 某甲与某县政府商定,某甲赠给某县政府一台轿车,但实际上此台轿车归某乙所有 B. 间歇性精神病人,在确能证明的发病期间实施的民事行为 C. 某甲把一幅古画真品错当成复制品卖给某乙 D. 11岁的某丙接受了从英国来的叔叔送给他的一台电脑,价值1.5万元 E. 某甲出售盗版光碟 [不定项选择题]患者女,55岁。发现肝硬化已10年。4天前与朋友聚餐时出现呕血,鲜红色,量约1000ml。患者出现头晕、心慌、出冷汗等。经输血、补液和应用止血药物治疗后病情好转,血压和心率恢复正常。1天前起出现睡眠障碍,并出现幻听和言语不清。化验检查示:血氨130μtg/dl,血糖5.6mmol/L,尿素氮7.2mmol/L。
A.胃癌 B.食管癌 C.十二指肠溃疡 D.食管静脉曲张破裂 E.胃黏膜病变 [单项选择]A Special Clock
Every living thing has what scientists call a biological clock that controls behavior. The biological clock________(51) plants when to form flowers and when the flowers should open. It tells insects when to __________(52) the protective cocoon (防护卵袋) and fly away, and it tells animals and human beings when to eat, sleep and wake.
Events outside the plant and animal__________(53) the actions of some biological clocks . Scientists recently found, for example, that a tiny animal changes the color of its fur because of the __________(54) of hours of daylight. In the short_________(55) of winter, its fur becomes white. The fur becomes gray brown in _________(56) in the longer hours of daylight in summer.
Inner signals control other _________(57) clocks. German scientists found that some kind of internal clock seems to order birds to begin their long migration_________(58) twice each year. Birds _________(59) from flying become restless when it is time for the
A. physical B. biological C. mental D. portable [单选题]母差保护全部停用后,原则上()操作母线侧刀闸。
A.不允许 B.经批准后 C.允许 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单选题]1.124受理客户咨询业务时,应耐心,细致地答复,不能当即答复的问题,应向客户致歉,并留下联系电话,研究或请示()后,尽快答复。
A.领导 B.班长 C.同事 D.大堂经理 [多项选择]按照企业所得税的有关规定,对企业合并、分立业务的税务处理,下列表述正确的有( )。
A. 被合并企业以前年度的亏损,可以结转到合并企业弥补 B. 通常情况下,被合并企业应视为按公允价值转让、处置全部资产,计算资产的转让所得 C. 被分立企业应视为按公允价值转让其被分离出去的资产,计算财产转让所得 D. 分立企业接受被分立企业的资产,在计税时可按经评估确认的价值确定成本 [单项选择]国际单位制中,力、重力的单位名称用()表示。
A. 千克 B. 公斤 C. 牛顿 D. 压力 [单选题]允许速度大于120km/h的线路,轨距的变化率不得大于()(不含规定的递减率)。
A.1‰ B.1.5‰ C.2‰ D.2.5‰ [单选题]进入充油型电气设备的电缆(绝缘导线)的绝缘必须是()。
A.耐高温型 B.耐油型 C.耐低温型 [单项选择]某弱碱性药在pH为5时,非解离部分为90.9%,该药pKa的接近数值:
A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 6 E. 5 [多项选择]在实际核算中,国内生产总值的计算方法包括( )。
A. 剩余法 B. 趋势法 C. 生产法 D. 支出法 E. 收入法 [单项选择]
Drought is a slow emergency. It does not swoop down out of the skies like a tornado or pull the earth apart like an earthquake. A drought of the kind the Eastern seaboard in the United States is suffering now, the worst of this century in at least four states, is the product not of one summer’s failed rains but of chronic dryness over several seasons--compounded by routine profligacy in our use of water. It is the result of what we have all been taught to call good weather--hot, it is true, but blue skies day after day, mild winters, and little snow. It is also the result of what we have come to call normal water use. [多项选择]20世纪70年代以来,我国有黑热病发生的地区有()
A. 甘肃 B. 四川 C. 新疆 D. 山西 E. 湖南 [多选题]下列属于设备检修工进行日常维护及操作的设备有()。
A.起重机 B.搬运车 C.转向架升降平台 D.公铁两用车 E.不落轮镟床 [填空题]列检作业场所在车站或站区均应有( )能力。
[填空题]调车人员作业前,应检查手信号灯,无线电台,安全带,号角,口笛, , ,提钩摘管器,胶圈,简易放风制动阀等。
[单项选择]彩色多普勒技术不可以与下列哪种技术并用?( )
A. 超声二维显像 B. 多普勒频谱 C. 心脏超声造影 D. M型超声心动图 E. 以上都不是 [判断题]事故发生后,铁路运输企业和其他有关单位应当及时、准确地报告事故情况,积极开展应急救援工作,减少人员伤亡和财产损失,尽快恢复铁路正常行车。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]可放置冰袋降温的部位是 ( )
A.枕部、肘窝 B.颈部、腹部 C.腋窝、胸部 D.头顶、腹股沟 [判断题]有限空间工作完成,作业人员撤离管井、电力隧道后,应立即将井盖盖好,以免行人摔跌入井内。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对于心动过速、高热和甲亢病人,麻醉前用药选择抗胆碱药时,应选用东莨菪碱。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]锉刀的锉纹在每10毫米长度中条数越多,则齿纹越粗。
[单选题] 急行跳远最佳的起跳角度是( )度。
A.18~24 B.15~20 C.20~24 [单选题]随着保全对现场的指导和现场人员水平的不断提升,()点检项目会逐步转为自主保全点检项目。
A.定位点点检 B.油品点检 C.自主保全 D.专业保全 我来回答: 提交