A mysterious phenomenon is the ability
of over-water migrants to travel on course. Birds, bees, and other species can
keep track of time without any sensory cues from the outside world, and such
"biological clocks" clearly contribute to their "compass sense." For example,
they can use the position of the Sun or stars, along with the time of day, to
find north. But compass sense alone cannot explain how birds navigate the ocean:
after a flock traveling east is blown far south by a storm, it will assume the
proper northeasterly course to compensate. Perhaps, some scientists thought,
migrants determine their geographic position on the Earth by celestial
navigation, almost as human navigators use stars and planets, but this would
demand of the animals a fantastic map sense. Researchers now know that some
species have a magnetic sense, A. Pigeons can properly read just their course even when flying long distances through exceedingly dense fogs. B. Bison are able to reach their destination by passing through a landscape that has been partially altered by a recent fire. C. Elephants are able to find grounds that some members of the herd have never seen before. D. Swallows are able to return to a given spot at the same time every year. [单选题]本案中,若民警对该男子身体进行检查,应当出示:(单选)
A.身份证和工作证 B.搜查证和检查证 C.检查证和工作证 D.搜查证和身份证 [多选题]电缆金属护层接地电流、感应电压异常的原因有()。
A.A、接地电缆缺失 B.B、护层过电压限制器击穿 C.C、接地系统接线错误 D.D、接地装置接地电阻偏大 [单选题]出售或充值储值票时,未请乘客确认显示屏上的金额,为()乘客投诉
A.三类有责 B.二类有责 C.一类有责 D.不属于有责 [单选题]汽车客运站经营者应当对进出汽车客运站的人员和行李物品、车辆进行严格检查,确保“三不进站”和()。
A.“三不出站” B.“四不出站” C.“五不出站” D.“六不出站” [单项选择]以下哪项不符合早产儿的外观特点
A. 指甲未达到指尖 B. 软骨发育不良,耳舟不直挺 C. 乳腺结节小于4mm D. 头发分条清楚 E. 肤色绛红,毳毛多 [单项选择]操作系统对磁盘进行读/写操作的单位是( )。
A. 磁道 B. 字节 C. 扇区 D. KB 我来回答: 提交