People who begin to go deaf in adult
life have different problems from those who are born deaf. They have to learn
different ways of behaving and different ways of communication—perhaps at a time
when learning is not all that easy. A heating aid is not a complete solution to the problem. The sound perceived by the deaf person through a hearing aid is distorted and appears to have more background noise than is heard by someone with normal hearing. Deafened people have to lip-read as well. Lipreading is difficult, demands intense concentration, and an uninterrupted direct view of the speaker’s face. No other activities can take place at the same time: the lipreadar has to stop eating, stop everything in order to concentrate on hearing. It is not a question of stupidity or bad temper—as it sometimes appears to be—but a question of b A. you can obscure your mouth with you hand when you speak to the deaf B. you have to be sensitive about the surroundings C. you have to depend on a hearing aid D. you have to speak clearly, slowly and loudly [单项选择]软组织急性感染物理治疗的基本原则中,错误的是()。
A. 红外线适合浅表病灶的治疗 B. 超短波适合深部病灶的治疗 C. 不可逆的浅病灶,用紫外线红斑量照射 D. 按感染病灶不同阶段选择物理因子剂量 E. 可逆转病灶,用高频温热量治疗促吸收 [判断题]集体主义要求个人为国家、社会做出的牺牲是任意的。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]企业应委托具备国家规定资质等级的设计单位承担建设项目工程设计。 ( )《导则-设计与总图-1.1》
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《锂电池航空运输规范》(表3),含锂电池设备中的PED的额定能量在( )无需经营人批准。
A.≤100wh或≤2g B.≤100wh或≥2g C.≤160wh或≤2g D.≤100wh或≤5g [多选题]引起阀门关闭件泄漏的原因有哪些?()
A.A、密封面研磨得不好 B.B、密封圈与阀座配合不严紧 C.C、阀瓣与阀杆连接不牢靠 D.D、阀杆弯扭,使上下关闭件不对中 [单项选择]
收入分配的城乡差距、行业差距、职位差距三把“剪刀”剪掉的是一些居民的幸福感,剪出的是不公感。要加速改善这种状况,需要() A. ②④ B. ③④ C. ①④ D. ①③ [判断题]资本金大于或等于法定资本金。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]任何运行中的星形接线设备的中性点,应视为()。
A.不带电设备 B.带电设备 C.运行设备 D.停运设备 [多项选择]共有关系具有以下特征:( )。
A. (A) 主体为二人以上 B. (B) 内容包括权利义务关系 C. (C) 客体为同一项财产 D. (D) 客体为不可分割物 [单选题]强酸、碱清洗剂原理及功能特点描述错误的是( )。
A.强酸、碱清洗剂的主要成分敌腐特灵只适用于酸碱对人体侵害的单一用途洗消溶剂。 B.其化学分子结构经过改变后具有极强的吸收性能 C.是一种酸碱两性的螯合剂 D.可以用于处置强酸碱和化学物品灼伤的伤口创面。 [多选题]关于BGP MED,下面哪些描述是正确的?
A.缺省情况下,如果路由属性中没有MED值,按0处理。如果配置了bestroute med-none-as-maximux命令,则把MED按最大值4294967295来处理 B.缺省情况下,BGP选路规则可以对来自不同自治系统的路由器进行MED比较 C.在BGP选路规则中,MED的优先级要低于AS-Path、Preferred-Value、Local-Preference、Origin D.BGP路由MED的缺省值是0 [多选题]多项选择题:铁磁材料根据磁滞程度不同可分为( )材料。
A. 剩磁 B. 硬磁 C. 软磁 D. 矩磁 [简答题]简述民事搜查的概念和条件。
A. 水锤现象 B. 汽蚀现象 C. 气缚现象 [单项选择]Which of the following orders is true
A. D.Archimedes did the experiment on the crown. b,c,a,dB. c,a,b,dC. c,a,d,bD. b,c,d,a [单选题]如果需要,可以在航路和航线的基本代号前加上一个前置字母()表示专门为超音速航空器加速、减速和超音速飞行而划设的航路或者航线。
A.K B.U C.S D.T [单选题]一个工作负责人( )多张工作票。
A.不能同时持有 B.不能同时执行 C.不能依次执行 D.不能同时接受许可 [多选题](2017年真题)如果要减少项目进度计划的计算工期,可以采取的措施有( )。
A.增加人员 B.消减时差 C.赶工 D.增加平行作业 E.取消部分工作 [单选题]低温环境下进行高处作业时,应采取( )措施。
A.保暖 B.防暑 C.降温 D.以上全是 [单项选择]间质性肺疾病最具诊断价值的检查是
A. 胸片 B. 胸部高分辨CT C. 支气管肺泡灌洗检查 D. 肺活检 [单项选择]A young man was going to join the army (军队) and had to (41) a medical examination. The doctor was sitting at a desk when he came in. He said to the man, "Take your coat and shirt off and (42) on that chair.
The young man did so. The doctor looked at him for a moment without (43) up from his chair and then said, "All right. Put your clothes on again. "But you haven’t examined me at ail!" the young man said in (44) . "There is no need to do so," the doctor said with a (45) . "When I (46) you to take your coat and shirt off, you heard me all right, so there is nothing wrong with your (47) . You saw the chair, so your eyes are (48) . You could take your clothes off and sit on the chair, so you must be in good health. And you understand what I told you to do and did it without a (49) , so you (50) healthy enough for the army./ A. hands B. mind C. ears [判断题]实现色谱分离的外因是流动相的不间断流动()。
[判断题]( )压力表指示的压力是表压。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]急性下壁梗死最易合并
A. 左前分支传导阻滞 B. 心房颤动 C. 房室传导阻滞 D. 室性期前收缩 E. 室性心动过速 [判断题]法的指引作用属于法的社会作用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于股鞘的描述,错误的是 ( )
A.中间格内有股静脉 B.外侧格内有股动脉 C.内侧格就是股管 D.股管的上口为股环 E.是腹股沟直疝发生的部位 [单选题]某企业采用先进先出法计算发出原材料的成本。2019年9月1日,甲材料结存200千克,每千克实际成本为300元;9月7日购入甲材料350千克,每千克实际成本为310元;9月21日购入甲材料400千克,每千克实际成本为290元;9月28日发出甲材料500千克。9月份甲材料发出成本为( )元。
A.145000 B.150000 C.153000 D.155000 我来回答: 提交
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