David Beckham was born in 1975 in
London, at a place called Leytonstone. When he was a young boy, his greatest
{{U}}fervency{{/U}} was in football. He played it whenever he had the chance.
Sometimes he would go and watch a game with his friends. When David Beckham was
12 years old, he won the Bobby Charlton Soccer Skills award. This was an
important step forward for this young boy, and it led him to go for a visit to a
football training camp in Spain. As a boy he played for schools of Essex and
also for his county team. In 1991, he became a trainee with Manchester United. This meant that he could practice foot- ball as much as he wanted to and play for the highly successful Manchester United Youth Cup team and Under-21 team. In April, 1995 he played his first football league game against Leeds Untied. During 1995 and 1996, David b A. how Beckham became a successful football player B. what abilities Beckham had to score so many goals C. when Beckham became famous all over Britain D. why Beckham could win in football league games [判断题] 单相交流发电机发的电不一定叫单相交流电。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列不属于施工项目管理实施规划编制依据的是()。
A. 项目管理规划大纲 B. 市场信息 C. 项目管理目标责任书 D. 以往工程施工经验 [简答题]设某经济某一时期有1. 75亿成年人,其中1.2亿人有工作,0.1亿人在寻找工作,0.45亿人没工作但也没有找工作。试求:(1)劳动力人数:(2)劳动力参与率:(3)失业率
[单选题]《客运运价里程表》中,呼鄂线的起讫站为( )。
A.台阁牧~鄂尔多斯 B.呼和浩特~鄂尔多斯 C.呼和浩特东~鄂尔多斯 D.台阁牧~东胜东 [判断题]( ) 冷战结束后,国际形势发生了广泛而深刻的变化,时代主题也已不是和平与发展。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]股份有限公司发起人应当承担的责任是( )
A. 公司不能成立时,对设立行为所产生的债务和费用负按份责任 B. 公司不能成立时,对认股人已经缴纳的股款负返还股款的按份责任 C. 公司成立后,其他发起人未缴足出资的,承担补交出资的连带责任 D. 公司设立过程中,其他发起人的过失致使公司利益受到损害的,应当与其他发起人对公司承担连带赔偿责任 [简答题]我国最大的猛犸象化石,是在什么地方出土的?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《铁路机车运用管理规则》规定:初任机车调度员年龄一般不超过35周岁。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]运营公司基本准则中要求,要求别人做到的,( )。
A.A、先在自己身上实践 B.B、自己首先做到 C.C、自己身先士卒 D.D、视困难程度要求自己 我来回答: 提交