With the rapid spread of the internet eye where in the world, and the (1) number of users, one of the most exciting developments on the internet is E-commerce -- (2) commerce. E-commerce has two forms, (3) business-to-business, or B-to-B, and business-to-consumer, or B-to-C.
B-to-C was the first of these developments. It grew (4) from the first days when people started to buy things from their homes without going to a shop. First came "catalogue shopping" (5) you choose what you want from a catalogue (6) pictures and other details of everything that is (7) sale. You then send an order with a check by (8) and the things you have chosen sent to your home. Then (9) "television shopping", where (10) a catalogue, the items for sale are shown or (11) on television to attract the customer. (12) , the customer sends a check and the item is delivered to his or her home. B-to-C
A. late
B. latest
C. latter
D. later
People all over the world know
Wimbledon as the centre of lawn tennis. In 1874 it was a country village, but it was the home of the All England Croquet Club. The Club had been there since 1864. A lot of people played croquet in England at that time and enjoyed it, but the national championships did not attract many people. So the Club had very little money. "This new game of lawn tennis seems to have plenty of action (精彩场面), and people like watching it," they thought. "Shall we allow people to play lawn tennis on some of our beautiful croquet lawns " In 1877, Wimbledon held the first world lawn tennis championships (men’s singles). Wimbledon grew. There was some surprise and doubt, of course, when the Club allowed women to play in the first women’s singles championship in 1884. But the ladies played well--even i A. Because all women players wore long skirts. B. Because the ladies played so well in their long skirts. C. Because all winners, both men and women, were always British. D. Because it did not seem proper for women to play tennis. [多选题]为了保证电动转辙机的主要机件和道岔岔尖不被挤坏和能及时反映挤岔情况,电动转辙
A.挤岔装置 B.挤岔表示 C.锁闭装置 D.解锁装置 [单选题]工作间断时,工作班人员应从工作现场撤出。每日收工,应清扫工作地点,开放已封闭的通道,并电话告知( )
A.运行值班工作许可人 B.单位领导 C.现场许可人 D.工作票签发人 [判断题]在连挂车辆作业时,为便于司机准确掌握速度,调车人员向调车长或调车长向司机显示调动的机车车辆距被挂停留车之间的距离信号。当调动的机车车辆距离停留车约十、五、三车时,分别显示相应的距离信号,称为十、五、三车距离信号。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]8岁男孩,左大腿轻微外伤后,第三天出现局部明显肿胀,剧痛不敢活动,高热,入院后,最有意义的检查为哪项:( )
A.测体温 B.拍X线片 C.超声探查 D.局部检查 E.分层穿刺 [多选题]汇票的()、()、()对持票人承担连带责任
A.出票人 B.背书人 C.贴现人 D.经办人 [判断题]因低压有利于解析,故实际操作中解析塔压力低于吸收塔压力 。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交