The ability to change with the time is
the key to being successful in the fast paced world of the 21st century. Life,
after all, is about change. But why, for so many of us, is change so difficult
to deal with Many years ago, Dr. Johnson faced a major change in his life. He at first responded to it by becoming angry and confused. But finally he realized that, instead of having to deal with the change, he himself had to change. Johnson made up the story of "Who Moved My Cheese " to get himself to laugh at his foolish mistakes and fears. "Who Moved My Cheese " deals with four laboratory mice who live in a maze (迷 宫). They look for the thing that makes them happy -- cheese. In the book, cheese is a metaphor for the things we want in life; the maze is where we look for those thin A. He felt like changing too. B. He felt sad and at a loss. C. He felt lonely. D. He felt like laughing. [单选题]下列可出现偏瘫、小脑共济失调等局限性神经系统体征的是( )
A.暴发型化脓性脑膜炎 B.亚急型化脓性脑膜炎 C.病毒性脑膜炎 D.病毒性脑炎 E.新生儿化脓性脑膜炎 [单项选择]碳酸钙或硫酸钙的干扰消除法
A. 选用合适掩蔽剂 B. 加入无水草酸的醋酐溶液法 C. 滤过法 D. 改用合适方法 E. 双波长法 [判断题]判断可控硅是否击穿,可用万用表R×10K档测量阳阴极的正反向电阻,阻值应很小,否则说明击穿。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列账户中,属于负债类的有()。
A.坏账准备 B.应付利息 C.应付债券 D.预收账款 [单项选择]What do you do to (21) care of the books in your library Some of the most collectors (22) to read the books in their collection; (23) the books remain in mint (24) . Others buy two copies of a book; they (25) one, and leave the other untouched. Many readers must read their books, (26) they still want to protect and care for the volumes. Here are some tips to remember (27) you want your books to remain in good condition.
Firstly, avoid Writing. You may have been told to (28) in the margins of your books, or even to underline or highlight words, phrases, and paragraphs. But, if you plan to (29) the book, add it to your library, or even sell it -- don’t write in the book. The ink permanently damages your book. Use a journal or notebook to take (30) on pages or use pieces of paper or Post-It notes. If you are (31) to write in your book, use a pencil, and erase the A. take B. keep C. bring D. give [简答题]简述III型专变采集终端的现场调试步骤?
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]对管道支吊架弹簧有哪些要求?
[单选题]填用配电( )工作票的配电线路工作,可不履行工作许可手续。
A.第一种 B.第二种 C.低压 D.带电作业 [判断题]判断题:站务员A发现站台自动扶梯紧急制停,将故障现象报给车控室后,重新启动自动扶梯。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在下列说法中,正确的是( )。
A.计算机体积越大,其功能就越强 B.在微型计算机的性能指标中,CPU的主频越高,其运算速度越快 C.两个显示器屏幕大小相同,则它们的分辨率必定相同 D.点阵打印机的针数越多,则能打印的汉字字体就越多 [单选题]信道中的噪声来源分为自然噪声和()。
A.脉冲噪声 B.人为噪声 C.窄带噪声 D.起伏噪声 [单项选择]腰痛的致病因素不包括
A. 感受寒湿 B. 肾亏体虚 C. 气滞血瘀 D. 气血不足 E. 感受湿热 [判断题]职业道德是以为人民服务为核心,以集体主义为原则。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列程序的输出结果是 interface Inter public final static int A=100; class My implements Inter public static void main (String args[ ]) System.out.println(
A. ; B. 0 C. A D. 程序有错误 [多选题]工程维修年度验收申请书在水管单位完成初验并具备年度验收条件的情况下,由水管单位向上级主管单位提出该申请书,其内容主要包括()等。
A.工程完成情况 B.初验结果 C.年度验收准备情况 D.建议验收时间 E.遗留问题处理 [多选题]作业人员的基本条件包括:()
A.经县级或二级甲等及以上医疗机构鉴定,无职业禁忌的病症,至少每两年进行一次体检,高处作业人员应每年进行一次体检。 B.按其岗位和工作性质,熟悉《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》的相关部分 C.应具备必要的电气、安全及相关知识和技能。 D.从事电气作业的人员应掌握触电急救等救护法。 [填空题]保安人员宿舍用房由()解决。
[不定项选择题]患者女,29岁。分娩时大出血,出现淡漠、呆滞、话少、思维迟钝、活动减少,闭经,乳房萎缩,阴毛、腋毛脱落,诊断为希恩病(Sheehan Disease)
A.慎用地西泮 B.慎用奋乃静 C.禁用氯丙嗪 D.激素替代法 E.防止感染 [填空题]根据《铁路机车车辆驾驶人员资格许可办法》,J5类准驾的机车系列是( )。
[单选题]下列固定资产的折旧方法中,各期提取相同折旧额的方法是( )。
A.平均年限法 B.余额递减法 C.双倍余额递减法 D.年数总和法 我来回答: 提交