禁忌的检查方法() Drunken driving—sometimes called
America’s socially accepted form of murder—has become a national epidemic. Every
hour of every day about three Americans on average are killed by drunken
drivers, adding up to an incredible 250 000 over the past decade. A drunken driver is usually defined as one with a 0.10 blood alcohol content or roughly three beers, glasses of wine or shots of whisky drunk within two hours. Heavy drinking used to be an acceptable part of the American macho image and judges were lenient in most courts, but the drunken slaughter has recently caused so many well-publicized tragedies, especially involving young children, that public opinion is n A. young people were often bad drivers B. raising the legal drinking age would have little effect on the reduction of tragedies C. raising the legal drinking age would reduce the number of people killed by drunken drivers D. many drunken drivers were not of legal age [判断题]在配电柜(盘)内工作,相邻设备应全部停电或采取绝缘遮蔽措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]含有重要的国家秘密,泄露会使国家的安全与利益遭受到严重损害的文件,属于 ( )。
A. 秘密文件 B. 绝密文件 C. 机密文件 D. 特级文件 [判断题]企业的客户就是其用户。
A. 保温用的硅酸钙板 B. 防火用的硅酸钙板 C. 防潮用的硅酸钙板 D. 装修用的硅酸钙板 E. 防腐蚀用的硅酸钙板 [单项选择]Ⅰ期临床试验主要完成健康人体哪一类的药代动力学研究
A. 单剂量 B. 双剂量 C. 多剂量 D. 小剂量 E. 大剂量 [单项选择]The entrepreneur, according to French economist J. B. Say," is a person who shifts economic resources out of an area of lower and into an area of higher productivity and yield." But Say’s definition does not tell us who this entrepreneur is. Some define the entrepreneur simply as one who starts his or her own new and small business. For our purposes, we will define the entrepreneur as a person who takes the necessary risks to organize and manage a business and receives the financial profits and nonmonetary rewards.
The man who opens a small pizza restaurant is in business, but is he an entrepreneur He took a risk and did something, but did he shift resources or start the business If the answer is yes, then he is considered an entrepreneur. Ray Kroc is an example of an entrepreneur because he founded and established McDonald’s. His hamburgers were not a new idea, but he applied new techniques, resource allocations, and organizational methods in his venture. Ray Kroc upgraded th A. complete the definition of entrepreneur B. tell the readers what is entrepreneur and the main characteristics of entrepreneurs C. show what kind of people can become entrepreneurs D. illustrate why Ray Kroc can become an entrepreneur [单选题]"铁路局应对( )和货运安全生产工作做出突出贡献的集体或个人,应按规定给予表彰奖励。
A.防止事故 B.安全达标 C.考核达标 D.发生事故" [判断题] (判断题)普通记录可作为赔付依据。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列不属于五脏所藏的是()
A. 心藏神 B. 肝藏魂 C. 肺藏魄 D. 脾藏意 E. 肾藏智 [简答题]如何对客户特别授信的合规性进行审计?
A.该方法属于风险分析的理论计算法 B.变量分解程度低,则模拟可靠度降低 C.该方法可以用于对连续随机变量的分析 D.变量分解过细往往造成变量之间有相关性 [单项选择]法洛四联症患儿要注意保证其充足的液体供应,其目的是()
A. 防止电解质紊乱 B. 防止休克 C. 防止血栓栓塞 D. 防止心力衰竭 E. 防止肾衰竭 [单项选择]艾滋病的干预策略中脆弱人群有高危人群的配偶、流动人群和()。
A. 性工作者 B. 吸毒者 C. 女性 D. 成年人 E. 青少年 [单选题] 造成12人死亡,120人重伤的事故属于( )。 (1分)
A.特别重大事故 B.重大事故 C.较大事故 D.险性事故 [单项选择]一般在较大型的综合布线中,将计算机主机、数字程控交换机、楼宇自动化控制设备分别设置于机房;把与综合布线密切相关的硬件或设备放在 (13) 。光纤电缆需要拐弯时,其曲率半径不能小于 (14) 。
A. 机房 B. 管理间 C. 设备间 D. 配线间 [单项选择]据试验,发动机冷却液工作温度从90℃降至65℃,燃料多耗()
A. 5% B. 10% C. 15% D. 20% [单项选择]对阻生智齿的命名错误的是()。
A. 低位水平阻生 B. 近中垂直阻生 C. 高位远中阻生 D. 倒置阻生 E. 舌向阻生 [多选题]安全监督人员按照安全监督机构的指令,实施安全监督,履行的主要职责有( )
A.对被监督单位遵守安全生产法律法规、规章制度和标准规范情况进行检查; B.督促被监督单位纠正违章行为、消除事故隐患; C.及时将现场检查情况通知被监督单位,并向所在安全监督机构报告; D.安全监督机构赋予的其他职责。 [单选题]营销现场作业人员对《营销现场作业安全工作规程》应( )考试一次。
A.每半年 B.每年 C.每两年 D.每三年 我来回答: 提交