Slide | Painting | Date | Notes |
1 | Pitt as a Roman Senator |
[单项选择]The American resolution insisted that U.S. peacekeepers should be
A. separately prosecuted in the ICC B. free from prosecution in the ICC C. protected in overseas operations D. free from overseas operations [判断题]干粉主要采用化学抑制作用原理灭火。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )工作负责人在工作终结应及时向调度汇报:“( )”。 ( )
A.工作负责人姓名,工作地段,工作任务已经完成,可以送电 B.工作地点所做安全措施已全部拆除,线路上已无本工作班人员,可以送电 C.工作负责人姓名,工作地段,工作任务已经完成,线路上已无本工作班人员,可以送电 D.工作负责人姓名,工作地段,工作任务已经完成,工作地点所做安全措施已全部拆除,线路上已无本工作班人员,可以送电 [单选题]在ECAM增压页面上,当客舱压力为多少时,客舱高度指示变成红色 ( )
A.大于9550英尺 B.大于8800英尺 C.大于8600英尺 [单选题]在IPv6地址分类中,链路本地地址是哪一个
A.2000::/3 B.2001:0DB8::/32 C.FE80::/10 D.FF00::/8 [单选题]下列组织和器官参与咳嗽动作,除了
A.咽肌 B.声门 C.膈肌 D.腹肌 E.腰大肌 [判断题]各级通信运维单位应在紧急检修完成后48小时内,向上级提交故障处理及分析报告,内容包括故障原因、检修过程、处理结果、恢复时间、防范措施等。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在我国近代国防中,___侵吞了我国北方150多万平方千米的土地。
A.日本 B.英国 C.俄国 D.美国 [填空题] Paula:
The future is determined by the actions of the present day. The responsibility we have for the fu-rare begins when we recognize that we ourselves create the future--that the future is not something imposed upon us by fate or other forces beyond our control. We ourselves build the future both through what we do and what we do not do. Mrs. John: The future will see more unbelievable things. In the future, people will be able to predict their performance from the strength of the brain’s electrical activity. Doctor Kramer has found that the strength of the brain’s electrical activity can be measured through the scalp(头皮). Bosses could measure brain activity through the scalp and tell whether a worker is performing well, working hard, or too tired to do the job properly. Mary: In the new century, things around us will be more fascinating. The chemical element in the heart is said to increase your desire for fat, when is stimu [单选题] 40 公斤蒸汽法兰用垫片为( ).
A.石棉橡胶垫片; B.聚四的氟乙烯垫片; C.带内环石墨缠绕垫. [多选题]生产中常用的测量工具有 ( ) 。
A.A、卷尺 B.B、千分尺 C.C、游标数显卡尺 D.D、直角尺 [单项选择]以下哪种情况一般不会延长签证办理时间()
A. 行政审查 B. 目的地国家节假日 C. 使馆工作人员疏漏 D. 以上情况都可能延长签证办理时间 [单选题]我行“普惠口径”项下的小微企业是指《中国银监会办公厅关于2018年推动银行业小微企业金融服务高质量发展的通知》、《中国银保监会办公厅关于2019年进一步提升小微企业金融服务质效的通知》规定的符合( )目标项下的( )的符合“国标口径”的小微企业,个体工商户及小微企业主。
A.“三个不低于”、单户授信总额1000万元及以下 B.“三个不低于”、单户授信敞口1000万元及以下 C.“两增两控”、单户授信总额1000万元及以下 D.“两增两控”、单户授信敞口1000万元及以下 [单选题] 危险品按其性质不同分为9大类,第3类是()
A.爆炸品 B.易燃固体 C.气体 D.易燃液体 [多选题]依据《道路交通安全法》的规定,道路施工作业或者道路出现损毁,未及时设立警示标志、未采取防护措施,或者( ),致使通行的人员、车辆及其他财产遭受损失的,负有相关职责的单位应当依法承担赔偿责任。
A.未安排交通警察值勤 B.未按照规定设置交通标志 C.未按照规定设置交通标线 D.未安排交通协管员协助管理 E.未按照规定设置交通信号灯 [单选题]使用高空作业车、带电作业车、叉车、高处作业平台等进行高处作业时,高处作业平台应处于( )状态,作业人员应使用安全带。
A.稳定 B.静止 C.运行 D.运动 [多选题]对设有构造柱的抗震多层砖房,下列做法中正确的有( )。
A.构造柱拆模后再砌墙 B.墙与柱沿高度方向每500mm设一道拉结筋,每边伸入墙内应不少于1m C.构造柱应与圈梁连接 D.与构造柱连接处的砖墙应砌成马牙槎,每一马牙槎沿高度方向的尺寸不得小于500mm 300mm E.马牙槎从每层柱脚开始,应先进后退 [单选题]采用密封铆接的目的是使结构具有()。
A.密封性 B.密封材料 C.干涉 D.以上都不对 [单项选择]
Customer Relationship Management In today’s fast-moving market, it is a simple fact that products are constantly being replaced by something new. For companies large and small, the most important real(21)with measurable, long-term value is loyal, one-to-one customer relationships. However, despite their importance, they do not(22)On any company’s balance sheet. If a company lost 10% of its inventory to theft, it would react swiftly, but if the company loses 10% of its customers, this may not be (23) In this age of product (24) in which the market fails to perceive any profound difference between products or companies, effective management of customer relationships is critical in achieving a competitive (25) Delivering quality service and achieving high customer satisfaction have been closely (26) to profits, and consequently the (27) all companies are trying to make is to provide [简答题]相位比较式母线差动保护。为什么在电流互感器二次差动回路的中性线和某一相上分别接入电流继电器?
A.12000 B.4000 C.6000 D.8000 [简答题]何谓爆燃、早燃?如何产生的?
A. 暂缓缴纳 B. 分期缴纳 C. 免于缴纳 D. 行政机关代缴纳 [单选题]道岔起道作业调查划撬确认标准股:直股以直(??? )为标准股。
A.上股 B.下股 C.外股 D.内股 [单选题]关于货币犯罪,下列哪一选项是错误的? ( )
A.伪造货币罪中的“货币”,包括在国内流通的人民币、在国内可兑换的境外货币,以及正在流通的境外货币 B.根据《刑法》规定,伪造货币并出售或者运输伪造的货币的,依照伪造货币罪从重处罚。据此,行为人伪造美元,并运输他人伪造的欧元的,应按伪造货币罪从重处罚 C.将低额美元的纸币加工成高额英镑的纸币的,属于伪造货币 D.对人民币真币加工处理,使100元面额变为50元面额的,属于变造货币 [判断题]高空作业时,保险带尾绳要固定在井架的斜拉筋上。
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