When they were children, Terri Schiavo’s brother
Bobby accidentally locked her in a suitcase. She tried so hard to get out of the
suitcase that she jumped up and down and screamed. The scene predicted,
horribly, how she would end, though by that stage she had neither walked nor
talked for more than 15 years. By the time she finally died on March 31st,
her body had become a box out of which she could not escape. More than that, it had become a box out of which the United States government, Congress, the president, the governor of Florida and an army of evangelical protestors and bloggers would not let her escape. Her life, whatever its quality, became the property not merely of her husband (who had the legal right to speak for her) and her parents (who had brought her up), but of the courts, the state, and thousands of self-app A. Terri Schiavo had a miserable childhood B. Terri Schiavo had a vicious brother Bobby. C. an accidental event indicates Terri Schiavo’s horrible ending. D. Terri Sehiavo is an unfortunate woman [多选题]同业账户管理遵循“____”的基本原则。
A.业务归口管理 B.运营统一扎口 C.账户分类使用 D.机构分级管控 [单项选择]下列数据中属于定量数据的是()
A. 分类数据 B. 品质数据 C. 顺序数据 D. 数值型数据 [判断题]关于GIS局部放电超声波测试点选取,水平结构分布的气室测量点尽量选择在隔室侧上方。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]ZPW-2000A型无绝缘移频自动闭塞系统,接收器故障表示灯每周期闪动()表示EROM故障。
A.6次 B.7次 C.8次 D.9次 [多项选择]According to findings of the bMightyResearch report, which two statements about UC Solutions accurately describe the attributes of SMB decision makers?()
A. Only 20% of decision makers understand UC solutions. B. They are generally well-educated on what UC solutions offer. C. Many are yet to be convinced of the need for UC. D. They have a tendency to support current telephony vendors. [单项选择]小明的妈妈到菜市场去买鱼,在很多已经死的鱼中,她可以根据什么来判断鱼是否都很是新鲜的()
A. 鳃丝颜色鲜红 B. 体表湿润 C. 鳞片完整 D. 体表无伤 [单选题]下列期货公司从业人员中,属于《期货公司董事、监事和高级管理人员任职资格管理办法》所称的经理层人员的是( )。
A.董事长 B.监事 C.首席风险官 D.财务负责人 [单选题]列车发生紧急制动停车后,()要查明原因,检查车辆技术状态安全无误后,通知司机开车.
A.车辆乘务员 B.发电车乘务员 C.库检检车员 [单项选择]某只基金近4年的收益率分别为8%、9.5%、3.1%、7.8%,则该基金的算术年平均收益率为()。
A. 7.07% B. 7.10% C. 7.86% D. 8.01% [多选题]以下哪些线路为金阳车辆段预留停车列检线( )。
A.L3 B.L4 C.L7 D.L28 E.L29 [单选题]电动机铁心采用硅钢片,其表面应( )
A.刮净 B.涂导电层 C.涂绝缘漆 D.涂防锈漆 [单选题]雷达生命探测仪整机具有防水、防震、()三防能力,同时还具有抗冲击能力。
A.防尘 B.防风 C.防毒 D.防雷 [单选题] 如果有对外出租柜台或者场地的情况,实际经营者( )以我方名义对外开展经营活动。
A. 不得 B. 可以 C. 协商后可以 D. 不应 [单项选择]无梭织造时纬纱出口侧的废边的开口时间应比地经()。
A. 早25°~30° B. 迟25°~30° C. 早10°~15° D. 迟10°~15° [单项选择]从物理上讲,保持制动稳定性最简单的方法是()
A. 全部车轮抱死 B. 后轮抱死 C. 前轮抱死 D. 减小制动力 [单项选择]对票据真伪的鉴别下列哪些不是初审防伪特征识别要点()。
A. 黑水印 B. 白水印 C. 彩色纤维 D. 荧光纤维 [单选题]不属于后纵隔内的结构是
A.胸交感干 B.食管 C.胸导管 D.膈神经 E.奇静脉 [单项选择]发动机的排量是指各缸()之和。
A. 工作容积 B. 燃烧室容积 C. 汽缸总容积 D. 余隙容积 [判断题]需求的无差异性和层次性是消费者的需求特点。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]毒害性危险化学品库房的耐火等级不得低于( )标准。
A.一级 B.二级 C.三级 [单项选择]“霍桑实验”发现决定工作效率最重要的因素是()
A. 人际关系 B. 严格的纪律 C. 统一的指挥 D. 科学的领导 E. 自我控制 [单选题]( )对股东大会负责,对商业银行经营和管理承担最终责任。
A.董事会 B.监事会 C.高级管理层 D.董事长 我来回答: 提交