Many will know that the word "muscle" comes from the Latin for "mouse" (rippling under the skin, so to speak ). But what about "chagrin", derived from the Turkish for roughened leather, or scaly sharkskin. Or "lens" which comes from the Latin "lentil" or "window" meaning "eye of wind" in old Norse Looked at closely, the language comes apart in images, like those strange paintings by Giuseppe Arcimboldo where heads are made of fruit and vegetables.
Not that Henry Hitchings’s book is about verbal surrealism. That is an extra pleasure in a book which is really about the way the English language has roamed the world helping itself liberally to words, absorbing them, forgetting where they came from, and moving on with an ever-growing load of exotics, crossbreeds and subtly shaded near-synonyms. It is also about migrations within the language’s own borders, about upward and downward mobility, abou
A. An institute that aims at protecting the purity of language
B. An institute established by France to promote French education in the world
C. An institute of France that have all the renowned scholars in France
D. An institute of higher education in France, especially famous for its authentic language education
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A |
B |
C | ||
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[判断题]( )无缝线路,在气温较低的季节,应安排锁定轨温较低或薄弱地段进行维修。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电弧烧蚀可使金属喷溅,形成比较规则的金属小熔珠或溅片,火烧过的金属不能形成喷溅,但是可使金属烧熔流淌。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]分国内TD-LTE扩大规模试验的建设基站数量是多少()
A. 1.15万 B. 2.05万 C. 2.75万 D. 3.25万 [单选题]25、民主推荐结果在( )内有效。
A.A.三个月 B.B.半年 C.C.一年 [判断题]生产责任事故是指人们在生产过程中不执行有关安全法规并违反规章制度(包括领导人员违章指挥和职工违章作业)而发生的事故。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 1841年林则徐组织翻译了英国人慕瑞的《地理大全》,编成了《海国图志》。 ____
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]5C装置主要由____组成
A.现场图像采集设备 B.远程传输通道 C.集中服务器 D.用户终端 [单选题]空想社会主义理论不存在下列哪个缺陷?
A.没有发现资本主义发展的规律 B.没有发现找到创造新社会的社会力量 C.没有阐明资本主义制度 D.没有发现公有制的优越性 [单选题]往复泵是利用活塞位置改变来吸入和排出。当活塞从最左位置向右运动时(),工作腔容积扩大,液体在吸入压力作用下,顶开吸入阀,直到活塞走到最右点为止
A.排出阀打开 B.吸入阀打开 C.吸入阀关闭 D.排出阀关闭 我来回答: 提交