2001年末,哪一种出版物最少() Many people seem to think that science
fiction is typified by the covers of some of the old pulp magazines: the
Bug-Eyed Monster, embodying every trait and feature that most people find
repulsive, is about to grab, and presumably ravish, a sweet, blonde, curvaceous,
scantily-clad Earth girl. This is unfortunate because it demeans and degrades a
worthwhile and even important literary endeavor. In contrast to this
unwarranted stereotype, science fiction rarely emphasizes sex, and when it does,
it is more discreet than other contemporary fiction. Instead, the basic interest
of science fiction lies in the relation between man and his technology and
between man and the universe. Science fiction is a literature of change and a
literature of the future, and while it would be foolish to claim that science
fiction is a major literary genre A. On the Inaccuracies of Pulp Magazines B. Toward a Definition of Science Fiction C. A Type of Prose Fiction D. Beyond the Bug-Eyed Monster [单项选择]不是目前我国个人住房贷款主要形式的为()。
A. 公积金贷款 B. 住房抵押贷款 C. 住房储蓄贷款 D. 单位住房津贴贷款 [判断题]2.62 营运客车驾驶人在隧道行驶遇前方发生火灾等事故时,应本着"先人后己"的原则组织乘客逃生。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]列车、机车车辆、单机开始退行时,鸣笛两长声。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]劳动对象是指()
A. 各种产品 B. 引入生产过程中进行加工改造的物质对象 C. 生产资料 D. 生产工具 [单项选择]血细胞发生过程中形态变化的一般规律是()
A. 胞体由小变大 B. 胞核由小变大 C. 胞质的量由少逐渐增多,胞质嗜碱性逐渐变弱 D. 胞质内无特殊结构 E. 细胞始终无分裂能力 [单项选择]下列组合,错误的是()
A. 听眶线-与听眦线约呈20°角 B. 听眦线-与昕眶线约呈12°角 C. 听鼻线-与听眦线约呈25°角 D. 听口线-与听眦线约呈35°角 E. 听眉线-与听眦线约呈10°角 [单选题]手术室的( )要求严格,设在内侧。非手术人员或非在岗人员禁止入内,此区内的一切人员及其活动都必须严格遵守无菌原则。
A.半限制区 B.限制区 C.非洁净区 D.准洁净区 E.洁净区 [多选题] 在刑事诉讼中常见的直接证据主要有()
A. 被害人陈述 B. 被告人供述或辩解 C. 现场目击者的证言 D. 现场提取的脚印 [单项选择]One of the objectives by the Natural Approach is to enable the students to make the meaning clear but not necessarily be ______ in all details of grammar.
A. correct B. accurate C. brief D. concise [单项选择]CT能否鉴别子宫内膜癌、息肉、内膜增生()
A. 不能 B. 能 C. 一般情况下能鉴别 D. 可能 E. 增强后能鉴别 [单选题]该患者抢救记录的内容不包括()
A.患者发生病情变化时的表现 B.当时神志瞳孔生命体征及其后续动态 C.抢救过程中观察到的患者情况变化 D.抢救过程中所实施的措施 E.分析评判的过程与结果 我来回答: 提交