Cigarettes are good for your throat,
according to advertisements from half a century ago. Today such claims are
unthinkable, as smokers face despiteful stares of contempt whenever they light
up. Die-hards (顽固派) apart, society now accepts the huge damage to health caused
by smoking, both to smokers themselves and to others through passive smoking - a
change in attitudes with huge benefits for public health. Now the World Health Organization is launching the first global war against alcohol abuse. Can it replicate (重复) the success of the anti-smoking campaign Some of the ways to curb excessive alcohol consumption are similar to those used against cigarettes, such as increasing taxes and reducing availability. And as with cigarettes, there may also be scope for making drinking less glamorous through clampdowns on mar A. we should emphasize the harm of passive drinking B. it’s important to change the current notion of alcohol C. alcohol should be treated the same way as smoking D. it’s necessary to classify alcohol as an illegal drug [判断题]沿程阻力系数与管壁的粗糙度有关。粗糙度越小,沿程阻力系数就越大。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]操作机械传动的( )时,应戴绝缘手套。
A.隔离开关(刀闸) B. 杆塔 C. 线路 D. 断路器(开关) [单选题]在信号微机监测系统中,列车信号主灯丝断丝属于( )。
A.不报警 B.一级报警 C.二级报警 D.三级报管 [单选题]晶状体描述,错误的是
A.位于虹膜后方、玻璃体的前方 B.呈双凸透镜状,无色透明,有丰富的血管和神经 C.晶状体外面包以具有高度弹性的晶状体囊 D.晶状体实质由平行排列的晶状体纤维所组成 E.晶状体若因疾病或创伤而变混浊,称为白内障 [单项选择]人参配莱菔子,莱菔子能消弱人参的补气作用,这种配伍关系属于
A. 相须 B. 相使 C. 相畏 D. 相恶 E. 相杀 [判断题]油缸内渗严重时的现象是油缸支撑不住,必须要更换活塞。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]具有设备轻便灵活,特别是施工现场更为方便,但其曝光时间较长,灵敏度较低的检测方法是()。
A. X射线检测 B. γ射线检测 C. 磁粉检测 D. 液体渗透检测 [单选题]男性,58 岁,吸烟 30 年。咳嗽咳痰 20 余年,活动后气急 4 年,偶有下肢轻度
水肿查体:桶状胸,两肺呼吸音弱,少量湿嘐音,肺动脉瓣区第二心音亢进。最可 能的诊断是: A.慢性支气管炎 B.慢性支气管炎合并阻塞性肺气肿 C.慢性支气管炎、阻塞性肺气肿、肺源性心脏病 D.慢性支气管炎合并支气管扩张 E.慢性支气管炎性心功能不全 [多选题]下面叙述正确的是( )
A.列车检测到两个相邻的静态信标才能确定位置。 B.列车以IATP模式运行,轨旁ZC必需正常工作。 C.列车位置测定功能能安全又准确地测定列车前端和后端的位置。 D.RM模式下电客车车速可以达到35km/h [单选题]公安部在深圳召开的首次全国保安工作会议上提出了规范保安服务业发展的“统一领导、统一审批、统一培训、( )、统一服装”的“五统一”原则
A.统一组织 B.统一经营 C.统一规划 D.统一勤务 我来回答: 提交