Television is the greatest
communication medium ever designed and operated by man. It sends into the human
brain an (61) amount of opinions and information and
(62) moral and artistic standards for all of us. Every minute
of a television programme teaches us something. It is never neutral (中立的)
(63) . For example, how and when public issues are
(64) depends in large part (65) how they are
treated by the television networks in entertainment (66)
news and public affairs programmes. What the American people think about governm A. call B. gather C. organize D. make [判断题]闪点较低的物质危险性较小。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]《人的文学》作者是五四时期倡导“人得文学”、“平民的文学”而名声大振的()
A. 鲁迅 B. 沈雁冰 C. 胡适 D. 周作人 [单项选择]雕刻喇叭花用()的刀法。
A. 削 B. 旋 C. 戳 D. 切 [单项选择]Where are they talking
A. In a bookshop. B. In a library. C. In a reading room. [单选题]交流发电机是由发动机按固定的( )驱动的,发动机转速变化,发电机转速将随之变化,而且幅度很大,所以交流发电机发出的电压也将大幅度变化。
A.压缩比 B.转速比 C.传动比 D.扭矩比 [单选题]遥控器,图传,地面站与飞行器之间数据链路分别是 ( )
A.上行链路,下行链路,上下行链路井存 B.上行链路,下行链路,上行链路C 下行链路,下行链路,上行链路 [简答题]简述冷轧带肋钢筋的检验要求。
[单项选择]An analyst does research about commodity. For an investor with a long-term time horizon, the return from rolling forward the maturity of the derivative position is most likely described as:()
A. convenience yield. B. price return. C. collateral yield. [填空题]
Questions 19-27
Complete the summary below by using words taken from Reading Passage 2. Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 19-27 on your Answer Sheet. Initially, doctors believed that Valium was a comparatively {{U}} (19) {{/U}} drug for a number of reasons: it worked quickly, patients could take it but give it up easily and it didn’t create any unpleasant {{U}} (20) {{/U}} However, about thirty years ago some disturbing facts became apparent. Doctors found that Valium was {{U}} (21) {{/U}} in the short term and users needed to {{U}} (22) {{/U}} the dosage in order to get the same effect. They also found that even users who took a {{U}} (23) {{/U}} dose became addicted very quickly. In addition to this, one of the most worrying concerns about Valium use was that it was extremely {{U}} (24) {{/U}} for users to give up the drug because it had a lon [不定项选择题]共用题干
A.认定为工伤 B.视同为工伤 C.不属于工伤 D.条件不足,无法确定 [多选题]关于基坑工程安全生产现场控制表述正确的是( )。
A.基坑支护及开挖符合规范、设计及专项施工方案的要求 B.基坑周围地面排水措施符合规范及专项施工方案的要求 C.基坑地下水控制措施符合规范及专项施工方案的要求 D.基坑监测项目、监测方法、测点布置、监测频率、监测报警及日常检查符合规范、设计 及专项施工方案的要求 E.基坑坡顶地面无裂缝,基坑周边建筑物无变形 [判断题]记账发生空页,应用红笔交叉划线,用红字注明“此页空白”字样,并由记账员、会计主管盖章证明。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]基建工程关键点见证的工作方法有哪些。
A.调阅监造日志和记录(含图片、视频等信息) B.大型改造过程中负荷转移方案审查 C.抽样检查主要材料 D.抽样检查关键工艺的检验记录 [单选题]
增大压力和( )温度,都可以使未饱和蒸气变为饱和蒸气,进而液化。 A.升高 B.降低 C.恒定 D.保持 [单项选择]为了实现中震可修和大震不倒,需要对剪力墙的连梁刚度进行调整。这种调整是在()进行的。方法是降低连梁刚度,最多达到()。
A. 计算前,30% B. 计算后,30% C. 计算前,50% D. 计算后,50% [判断题]70°探头探伤时,当回波信号显示在一次波探测范围内,则表明轨头内侧一次波探测范围内有伤损存在。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交