Increasingly, over the past ten years,
people—especially young people—have become aware of the need to change their
eating habit, because much of the food they eat, particularly processed foods,
is not good for the health. Consequently, there has been a growing interest in
natural foods: foods which do not contain chemical additives and which have not
been affected by chemical fertilizers, widely used in farming today. Natural foods, for example, are vegetable, fruit and grain which have been grown in soil and are rich in organic matter. In simple terms, this means that the soil has been nourished by unused vegetable matter, which provides it with essential vitamins and minerals. This in itself is a natural process compared with the use of chemicals and fertilizers, the main purpose of which is to increase the a-mount—but not A. They want to return to nature. B. They want to eat all kinds of foods. C. Natural foods are very delicious. D. They are more health conscious. [单项选择]Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the passage
A. An authentic biography seldom appeals to its readers. B. An authentic biography is one authorized by the subject. C. No one can write a perfect biography. D. Authorized biographies have a wider readership. [单项选择]在《联锁图表中》中“其他联锁”中,“Y”表示:()。
A. 场间联系 B. 非进路调车敌对 C. 有延续进路 [判断题]判断题: 设计单位应当考虑施工安全操作和防护的需要,对涉及施工安全的重点部位和计文件中注明,由施工单位提出防范事故的指导意见,()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]煤矿企业已经按规定配发给从业人员劳动防护用品,从业人员在劳动过程中是否佩带、使用由自己决定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]CRH380BL使用棘轮扳手<--NRC-->拧紧终端箱盖板的六角头固定螺栓 M8×20 (19 个)。
[单选题]最早提出全面质量管理的概念的是( )。 [单选题]
A.菲根堡姆 B.休哈特 C.朱兰 D.戴明 [单项选择]A green building is often built on an area of land ______.
A. which has thick forests around B. which has already been for buildings C. where people of high income live [判断题]使用人力制动机防溜时,必须“一看、二调、三拧、四蹬”。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]测风站选在巷道断面规整,支护良好,无片帮,前后 ( ) 巷道内无障碍物和拐弯的地点。
A.A、5m B.B、10m C.C、15m D.D、20m [填空题]意大利旅行家马可.波罗受到()的接见。
A.呼吸暂停,呼吸减弱,呼吸增强反复出现 B.呼吸减弱,呼吸增强,呼吸暂停反复出现 C.呼吸浅慢,逐渐加快加深再变浅变慢,呼吸暂停后,周而复始 D.呼吸深快,呼吸暂停,呼吸浅慢,三者交替出现 E.呼吸深快,逐渐浅慢,以至暂停,反复出现 [简答题]监察机关实行怎样的领导体制?
[多选题]电源系统故障按照系统组成可分为三大类:( )、( )、( )故障。
A.配电故障 B.监控模块 C.切换系统 D.电源模块故障 [多选题]值班调控人员、运维人员在向工作负责人发出许可工作的命令前,应记录()。
A.工作班组名称 B.工作票签发人姓名 C.工作负责人姓名 D.工作地点 E.工作任务 F.略 [单选题]目前SLE急性发作期首选治疗药物为
A.环磷酰胺 B.糖皮质激素 C.硫唑嘌呤 D.阿司匹林 [单选题]桓谭在《新论·祛蔽》中说:“精神居形体,犹火之燃烛矣。……烛无,火亦不能独行于空虚。”这种认为精神没有了形体就不能存在的观点属于()。
A.唯物主义 B.唯心主义 C.可知论 D.不可知论 [单选题]造成城乡生产力结构根本区别的是( )。
A.文化观念的差异 B.生产力结构的差异 C.职能的差异 D.物质形态的差异 [单项选择]无芽胞厌氧菌正常寄居的部位不包括
A. 阴道 B. 尿道 C. 肠道 D. 腹腔 E. 上呼吸道 [单选题]无论是交通事故,还是家庭中发生的事故,都应有( )。
A.证据 B.现场记录 C.证人 D.证明 [单选题]( )要從電話通聯紀錄分析持機人之交往關係,下列何者是參考項目?
A.聯絡頻率 B.通話次數 C.通話秒數 D.以上皆是。 我来回答: 提交