Luxury Self-catering Holiday Cottages in the heart of the Devonshire countryside. Individually styled and color coordinated, these cottages, forming a courtyard round the old thatched pump house, offer elegant and spacious accommodation--situated in the beautiful grounds of one of the largest privately-owned country estates in the West County. Guests have full use of the owner’s private club. Widworthy Court Sports and Leisure Club’s facilities include tennis court, squash court, heated outdoor swimming pool, pool-side restaurant, indoor leisure spa complex comprising swimming pool, Jacuzzi, sun, steam room, solarium and bars. Children and pets welcome ENJOY THE DIFFERENCE Please write or telephone for our ful A. Guests can take their dogs to the cottages. B. People can get a brochure if they telephone. C. Both indoor and outdoor activities are offered. D. No drinking is provided. [单选题]国标电磁环境规定,在飞行高度为400米时,DME在覆盖区半径为( )。
A.A、60km B.B、65km C.C、70km D.D、75km [单选题]字符类型中char和varchar之间的区别是
A.都一样 B. char比较高 C.varchar比较高 D.以上都不对 [单选题]最基本的随机抽样方法是( )。
A.分层抽样 B.简单随机抽样 C.系统抽样 D.整群抽样 [填空题]以建安二十五年曹操死为界,曹植的诗歌创作明显分为()。
[多选题]钢丝绳绳芯的作用( )
A.增加挠性与弹性 B.便于润滑 C.适合高温环境 D.增加强度 [判断题]补法指通过特定的按摩手法而达到补身养气功效的治疗手法,通常适用于体质虚弱、年老久病的患者。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]系统详细调查的最终目的是()。
A. 分析系统 B. 了解清楚现状 C. 分析过去 D. 制订系统 [单选题]银联的资金清算通过大额支付系统以即时转账方式与()进行资金清算。
A.人民银行 B.省资金中心 C.派出机构 D.中国银联 [单选题]夏季天气炎热,电气火灾高发,这时应开展什么宣传( )。
A.主体宣传 B.活动宣传 C.季节宣传 D.阵地宣传 [填空题]车钩控制系统的作用是()、(),控制车钩的()和()。
A. FOR B. FROM C. WHERE D. WITH [单选题]教师、学校对学生的 可以予以暂扣并妥善保管, 在适当时候交还学生家长。()
A. 违法物品 B. 违规物品 C. 危险物品 (解析:《中小学教育惩戒规则(试行)》第 11 条第 3 款) [简答题]站台门打开命令继电器是 。
A.银翘散 B.加减葳蕤汤 C.荆防败毒散 D.新加香薷饮 E.参苏饮 我来回答: 提交