It is true, as the movement critics
assert, that the present women’s liberation groups are almost entirely based
among "middle class" women, that is, college and career women; and the issues of
psychological and sexual exploitation and, to a lesser extent, exploitation
through consumption, have been the most prominent ones. It is not surprising that the women’s liberation movement should begin among bourgeois women, and should be dominated in the beginning by their consciousness and their particular concerns. Radical women are generally the post war middle class generation that grew up with the right to vote, the chance at higher education and training for supportive roles in the professions and business. Most of them are young and sophisticated enough to have not yet had children and do not have to marry to support themselves. In co A. More financial help. B. More political support. C. More real respect for sex equality. D. More active involvement in their movement. [多项选择]控制流程的基本环节包括( )几个基本环节。
A. 输入、输出 B. 投入 C. 转换、反馈 D. 对比、纠正 E. 产出 [单选题]Trunk line、HKCG外输管线压力控制范围()Mpa.
A.7.8~8.9 B.7.5 ~9.0 C.5.4~8.9 [多项选择]按严格意义,下列葡萄酒中不属于“自然发酵葡萄酒”类的有( )
A. 原汁葡萄酒 B. 气泡葡萄酒 C. 强化葡萄酒 D. 加香葡萄酒 E. 加料葡萄酒 [单选题]“ ”根据自然灾害及异物侵限安全监控系统的报警信息和限速提示立即向相关列车发布限速调度命令。
A.列车调度员 B.车站值班员 C.值班干部 D.餐车长 [单项选择]漏出性出血最常见的部位是
A. 毛细血管 B. 小动脉 C. 小静脉 D. 心脏或血管壁 [单项选择]35岁,农民女性。间断腰痛,乏力二年余,偶有低热及尿频,无明显血尿,尿痛,近期夜尿2~3次,门诊查血压140/95mmHg,右肾区叩痛(+),尿常规蛋白1g/L,白细胞10~15个/HP,红细胞3~5个/HP,晨尿比重1.016病人经输液抗炎治疗后,腰痛好转,体温正常,尿常规正常()
A. 立即停用抗生素 B. 停用抗生素,每周复查一次尿常规 C. 一次尿培养阴性即停用抗生素 D. 根据药敏采用联合用药,轮流使用,总疗程2~4个月 E. 根据尿培养选择另外二种抗生素再用2周 [单选题]手阳明经别合于
A. 手阳明经脉 B. 手太阴经脉 C. 手少阴经脉 D. 手太阴经别 E. 手阳明经别 [单选题] 用恒流采样器采集室内空气二甲苯,应保证流量在 0.5L/min 时,其能克服 5kPa-10kPa的阻力;若用皂沫流量计校准系统流量,相对偏差不应大于( )。
A.±3% B.±5% C.±6% D.±4% [简答题]电芯的存储时间不超过72H。()
[单选题]理论线损电压损失法,首端线电压为( )。
A.台区配变总表A、B、C三相电压中的最大电压 B.台区配变总表A、B、C三相电压中的最小电压 C.台区配变总表A、B、C三相电压中的平均电压 D.台区配变总表A、B、C三相电压之和 [判断题]DDZ-Ⅲ型调节器性能指标主要之一是:调节器的测量、给定双针指示表的精度是±1.0%。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交