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Misers everywhere: that Mediterranean cruise could be within reach at last. There’ll be no free ride to the port, and no free food or entertainment on board. The cabin will measure 30 meters square and housekeeping will be extra. But the fiberglass suite is easy to clean, and costs as little as £29 a night.
Earlier this year, serial entrepreneur Stelios Haji-Ioannou, the man who gave Europe its first budget airline, cashed in £14 million of his easyJet shares to fund what he calls a "little shopping spree." Boldly expanding his no-frills model into new markets, Stelios (he insists on first-name in formality) plans to open the first easyHotel in London this year with prices from £ 5 a night, an easy Bus fleet and easy Cruise, ready to sail next summer. Also on the list: easy Pizzas and easy Tele com, a mobile-phone service.
Can he make it work The soaring success of easyJet and its rivals was Europe’s great business story
A. His is very successful in running easy Jet.
B. His Internet cafes failed at last.
C. His easy Cinema-tickets ended up nowhere.
D. His attempt to expand the no-frills model is immature.
Cereal | MMT |
(31) | 600 |
(32) | 560 |
coarse grain | (33) |
cereal grown for
[判断题]信贷系统实行统一管理是指信贷系统采用全省信贷业务数据大集中管理模式,系统功能优化、系统设置、参数维护等重要事项由省联社统一管理。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]事业单位工作人员的工资应与()紧密联系
A. 实际贡献 B. 工作业绩 C. 政治理念 D. 岗位职责 [单选题]对可消除的 ( ) ,补偿方式主要是修理;但有些设备为满足工艺要求,需要改善性或增加某些功能并提高可靠性时,可结合修理进行局部改造。
A.自然磨损 B.人为磨损 C.无形磨损 D.有形磨损 [判断题]联锁板卡更换可以直接热插拔。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列哪些地点需要有独立通风系统( )。
A.躲避硐室 B.机电设备室 C.采区变电所 D.井下的爆炸材料库 E.略 F.略 G.略 H.略 [单项选择]AIDS患者减少最明显的淋巴细胞是()
A. Tc细胞 B. NK细胞 C. K细胞 D. B细胞 E. Th细胞 [单项选择]以下哪项检查不是瑞氏综合征的特点( )
A. 血氨升高 B. 血糖降低 C. 脑电图弥漫性慢波 D. 脑脊液常规异常 E. 肝组织活检异常 [简答题]比较盆栽与盆景的异同?
[单选题]要坚持( ),改进司法工作作风,通过热情服务,切实解决好老百姓打官司难问题。
A.司法为民 B.执法为民 C.执政为民 D.以人为本 [判断题]空调、电视机等电器关闭后,未拔掉插销,仍然耗电,对吗
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交