Of all the problems facing modern
astronomers, perhaps the most fascinating one is "can intelligent life exist
elsewhere" Since the earth is a unimportant planet moving round an unimportant
star, it would be a pride on our part to suppose that we are the only
intelligent beings in the universe. But to obtain proof is difficult. The main trouble is that our neighbor worlds, the bodies in the Solar System appear to be unsuitable for advanced life forms. The Moon may be ruled out at once; it has hardly any atmosphere. Venus is little better; the surface temperature is extremely high and the atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide. Mars with a very thin atmosphere and a severe shortage of water, may well support simple that life seems no hope of finding animals, while the alternative Martians of the story-tellers have since been given A. the surface temperature is too hot B. it is too cold there C. it is severely short of water D. it has a very thin atmosphere [多选题]下列属于企业分管安全生产负责人的安全职责的有()。
A.组织安全生产宣传教育工作 B.确定安全生产考核指标,领导、组织安全生产检査 C.领导、组织对分包分供方的安全生产主体资格考核与审査 D.认真听取、采纳安全生产的合理化建议,保证安全生产保障体系的正常运转 E.发生生产安全事故,组织实施生产安全事故应急救援 [单项选择]一家登记为有限责任公司的外资企业,其章程中规定:外国投资者用美元和机器设备出资;企业的注册资本为人民币1000万元;出资方式为分期缴付,其中第一期出资120万元。根据我国法律,下列对该章程的评析意见中正确的是
A. 外国投资者不得用美元出资,现金出资应用人民币 B. 外国投资者用作出资的机器设备应当是外资企业生产所必需的设备 C. 外国投资者不得分期缴付出资,应一次缴付 D. 外国投资者的第一期出资符合法律规定 [单选题]我国被正式承认为接入Internet的国家是在我国1994年通过________专线正式接入Internet时。
A. 32kbps B. 64kbps C. 128kbps D. 256kbps [多选题]各类作业人员在发现直接危及人身、电网和设备安全的紧急情况时,有权( ),并立即报告。
A. 停止作业 B. 结束工作 C. 立即离开作业现场 D. 在采取可能的紧急措施后撤离作业场所 [简答题]简述如何评价与表示室内空气质量检测结果。
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