Ethics are moral standards, not governed by law, that focus on the human consequences of actions. (46) Ethics often require behavior that meets higher standards than that established by law, including selfless behavior rather than calculated action intended to produce a tangible benefit. Ethics are a product of a society’s culture, which includes its traditions, customs, values, and norms. Within a society, ethical behavior is usually taken for granted. (47) Members implicitly understand how relationships, duties, and obligations among people and groups ought to be conducted and distinguish between their self-interests and the interests of others. Different cultures and political regimes have different interpretations of legality and ethics. Countries also control and punish unethical and illegal behavior in a variety of ways.
Who determines what is right or wrong.9 Ethical relativism and universalism are different views on whether a person or group sh
下列哪种肝病最有可能() The ability to negotiate successfully,
to reach agreements with other people or parties, is a key skill in any
business. This negotiation could be with a buyer or seller and it almost always
involves an element of compromise. But, when entering negotiations, you should
always keep in mind that it is almost impossible to negotiate and make
agreements successfully if you think you can’t afford to "lose" or walk away
from what is on offer. This will result in your avoiding asking for anything
more than what you think the other side will give without a dispute. You become
a passive observer, with the other side dictating the terms. In most negotiations one side has more to offer than the other and proper planning can help minimize the effects of this imbalance. Decide on set limits for what you can offer before negotiations begin. There are alway A. (A) Use breaks to discover more about the other party’s needs. B. (B) If serious disagreement occurs, postpone the meeting until another day. C. (C) Don’t lose the rhythm of the discussions. D. (D) Continue the meeting until you reach an agreement. [单选题]重庆单轨车广播控制盒安装在 车。( )
A.MC B.M2 C.M3 D.M4 [单选题]具有将肝外胆固醇转运到肝脏进行代谢的血浆脂蛋白( )。
A.CM B.LDL C.HDL D.IDL E.VLDL [填空题]维修作业开始前( ),结束后须达到正常放行列车条件。
[单选题]算法的空间复杂度是指( )。
A.算法在执行过程中所需要的计算机存储空间 B.算法所处理的数据量 C.算法程序中的语句或指令条数 D.算法在执行过程中所需要的临时工作单元数 [多项选择]对风险因素进行概率分析需计算的数据包括( )。
A. 期望值 B. 方差 C. 标准差 D. 离散系数 E. 控制系数 [单项选择]肺胀是()
A. 咳逆上气,喘满,咳痰等表现 B. 肺系多种慢性疾患日久积渐而成 C. 伏而时发的饮证 D. 多种急、慢性疾病的重要主症 E. 呈反复发作的一种独立疾病 我来回答: 提交