Mount Rushmore is a national monument
located in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Carved into the side of the large
mountain are the faces of four men who were the Presidents of United States.
These men were chosen because all four played important roles in American
history. The four faces carved onto Mount Rushmore are those of George
Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. Each face
carved into the mountain is about 60 feet tall. George Washington was chosen for this monument because of his role in the Revolutionary War and his fight for American independence. He was the first President of United States and is often called Father of the country. Thomas Jefferson was picked because he believed that people should be allowed to govern themselves, which is the basis for A A. A.What Mount Rushmore looks like and how it was created. B.How Gutzon Borglum raised money to create Mount Rushmore. C.How presidents helped build Mount Rushmore. D.Why Mount Rushmore was never finished. [单选题]企业视频彩铃在电商行业的应用场景包括
A.新零售结合; B.以上都是; C.促销活动推广; D.电商的宣传 E.略 F.略 G.略 [简答题]LKJ-2000监控装置进入、退出调车工作状态的操作方式和要求?
[单项选择]The colony Virginia was named after ______.
A. Queen Elizabeth B. Queen Blood Marry C. King Charles D. King George [判断题][南供段劳动安全实施细则]雷电时不准接近避雷器和避雷针 。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]本小题1分
在使用函数进行运算时,如果不需要参数,则函数后面的括号可以省略。 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]矿井火灾时期风流控制包括( )。
A.风量控制 B.风向控制 C.瓦斯控制 D.煤尘控制 [填空题]A.相同 B.草地 C.以前 D.习惯 E.迟到 F.办公室
A:在中国已经______了吗 B:当然,我很喜欢中国。 [判断题] (判断题)泵壳的作用是集液和能量转换。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]选择因果分析的事件可以从()两个方面提出。
A. 结果事件 B. 顶上事件 C. 中间事件 D. 初发事件 [填空题]发现全“1”信号,设备会上报( )告警。
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