Space enthusiasts look to the day when
ordinary people, as well as professional astronauts and members of Congress, can
leave Earth behind and head for a space station resort, or maybe a base on the
moon or Mars. The Space Transportation Association, an industry lobbying group,
recently created a division devoted to promoting space tourism, which it sees as
a viable way to spur economic development beyond Earth. The great stumbling block in this road to stars, however, is the sheer difficulty of getting anywhere in space. Merely achieving orbit is an expensive and risky proposition. Current space propulsion technologies make it a stretch to send probes to distant destinations within the solar system. Spacecraft have to follow multi-laver, indirect trajectories that loop around several planes in order to gain velocity from gravity ass A. Current rockets are vulnerable and unstable. B. New propulsion system has been developed. C. People consider loser beams as a possible solution to developing new propulsion system. D. At present, nuclear energies can be used in propulsion systems. [判断题]准确度是指实验值与真实值之间的相符合的程度,准确度越高,误差越大。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]氯化锌助焊剂属于()助焊剂。
A. 无机 B. 有机 C. 树脂 D. 非腐蚀 [单项选择]()是指因公司及员工违反法律法规、基金合同和公司内部规章制度等而导致公司可能遭受法律制裁、监管处罚、重大财务损失和声誉损失的风险。
A. 市场风险 B. 合规风险 C. 操作风险 D. 信用风险 [单项选择]木脚手架板厚不小于()毫米。
A. 30 B. 40 C. 50 D. 60 [单选题]黄连常用于治疗
A.细菌性痢疾 B.病毒性肝炎 C.滴虫性阴道炎 D.心力衰竭 E.高热惊厥 [名词解释]化学信息
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在新民主主义革命中,民主党派的奋斗目标不包括( )。
A.建立资产阶级共和国 B.实现民主与和平 C.建立民主联合政府 D.消灭剥削制度 [判断题]不合理的供电方案将影响电网结构和灵活运行,影响公用电网的电能质量,不会直接影响电网安全稳定运行和客户正常用电。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交