为明确诊断,进一步检查意义不大的是() Fried foods have long been frowned
upon. Nevertheless, the skillet is about our handiest and most useful piece of
kitchen equipment. Stalwart lumberjacks and others engaged in active labor
requiring 4,000 calories per day or more will take approximately one-third of
their rations prepared in this fashion. Meat, eggs, and French toast cooked in
this way are served in millions of homes daily. Apparently the consumers are not
beset-with more signs of indigestion than afflict those who insist upon
broiling, roasting, or boiling. Some years ago one of our most eminent
physiologists investigated the digestibility of fried potatoes. He found that
the pan variety was more easily broken down for assimilation than when deep fat
was employed. The latter, however, dissolved within the alimentary tract more
readily than the boiled type. Furthermor A. avoid fried foods if possible B. prepare some foods by frying C. fry foods intended for adults but not for children D. avoid, deep flat frying but otherwise fry selected foods [单项选择]东方建筑公司某月计划开挖土方4000m3,预算单价72元/m3,月末检查时实际完成工程量为4500m3,实际单价68元/m3,则该工程的费用偏差为()。
A. 18000元 B. 16000元 C. 36000元 D. 34000元 [单选题]当焊接热导率高的原材料(如铝、铜)时,可以考虑选用有较高热穿透性的()。(1.0分)
A. 氩气 B. 氮气 C. 氦气 [单选题]作业人员应正确佩戴安全帽,统一穿全棉长袖工作服、绝缘鞋。凡违反上述规定的视为“不按规定( )和佩戴安全帽进行作业”。
A.配置 B.着装 C.要求 D. E.略 F.略 [单选题]对知识最好的复习方法是( )。
A.有意识记 B.多种感官参与 C.在实践中应用所学知识 D.画线 [单项选择]火焰监测完成两个功能()。
A. 顺序控制保护系统 B. 温度控制保护系统 C. 速度控制保护系统 D. 同期控制保护系统 [单选题] 加热炉烘炉时,温度控制一般以( )温度为准。
A.对流室 B.烟囱排烟 C.炉管外壁 D.辐射室 [判断题]《修规》第3.9.8条,曲股基本轨的弯折点位置或弯折尺寸不符合要求,造成轨距不符合规定,可以继续使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Robert Frost was born in San Francisco in 1875. When he was at the age of ten, he was sent to New England, an area which (36) almost all of his poetry. He got a good education at Dartmouth College, New England, and Hard (37) . He became a schoolmaster for a short time, and then a farm laborer. During this period he wrote poetry but with little (38) From 1912 to 1915, he lived in New England, where he became (39) with several poets, including Edward Thomas, and published a Boy’s Will in 1913 and North of Boston in 1914. In America his poetry was soon (40) , and he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize on four (41) between 1924 and 1943. He went on writing (42) throughout his life, publishing Steeple Bush at the age of seventy-two. He died in 1963.
Frost’s poems are revolutionary because they lack the (43) of language skills. Many of his lines and sentences are plain and in themselves nothing. (44 [判断题] 螺杆式制冷压缩机可以采用喷油冷却。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]甲于某日清晨在路边捡回一名弃婴,抚养了3个月后,声称是自己的亲生女儿,以5000元卖给乙。甲的行为构成______。
A. 遗弃罪 B. 拐骗儿童罪 C. 诈骗罪 D. 拐卖儿童罪 [判断题]男员工可以留长须长发,剃光头。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]按照《劳动争议调解仲裁法》的规定,劳动争议仲裁委员会组成人员应当是单数。劳动争议仲裁委员会的组成人员不包括()的代表。
A.劳动行政部门 B.工会 C.企业 D.社会中介组织 [单项选择]某肝性脑病患者,血气测定结果为:pH 7.48,PaCO2 3.4kPa(22.6mmHg),HCO3ˉ19mmol/L,最可能的酸碱平衡紊乱类型是()
A. 代谢性酸中毒 B. 呼吸性酸中毒 C. 代谢性碱中毒 D. 呼吸性碱中毒 E. 混合型碱中毒 [判断题]18点统计现在车时,运用车包括重车和空车
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在项目管理中,()是进行项目各方面管理的纽带。
A. 项目沟通 B. 项目实施 C. 项目信息 D. 项目方案 [单选题]ETC 车道入口通过系统自动交易与( )进行交易将入口信息写入粤通卡。( )
A.车辆 OBU B.车辆 CPU C.复合卡 D.粤通卡 [多选题] (多选题)中国走和平发展道路的自信和自觉( )
A. 来源于中华文明的深厚渊源 B. 来源于对现实中国发展目标条件的认知 C. 来源于对世界发展大势的把握 D. 来源于和平发展的大局 [填空题]Only under special circumstances ______________________ (才允许大一学生参加补考).
A.接地极性, B.过电流保护, C.接地电阻, D.过电压保护, [单项选择]男,42岁,1周前干咳左胸痛,近2日来,畏寒发热38.8℃,气急乏力。体检:心率94次/分,律齐,左胸廓饱满,呼吸运动减弱,左下叩之浊音至实音,语颤减低,呼吸音明显减低。根据病史体征首先考虑的诊断为()。
A. 左肺炎 B. 左肺不张 C. 左胸腔积液 D. 左自发性气胸 E. 左肺结核 [判断题] 可以采用突然剪断导、地线的做法松线。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]反映整个货币组合的外汇风险的是( )。
A. 远期净敞口头寸 B. 单币种敞口头寸 C. 期权敞口头寸 D. 总敞口头寸 [单选题]中枢性呕吐常见于
A.尿毒症 B.幽门梗阻 C.晕动病 D.肠梗阻 E.梅尼埃(Meniere)病 [单选题]CCTV系统的网管功能强大、可对()监控设备进行遥控开关机。
A.车站 B.停车场 C.车辆段 D.控制中心 [多选题]以下关于合同转让的说法错误的有( )。(《建设工程造价管理》2019 版
A.合同转让不同于合同变更,因为改变了合同主体 B.债权人转让权利的,应当通知债务人 C.当事人对合同变更的内容约定不明确的,推定为变更 D.债权人可以将合同的权利全部转让给第三人 E.债权转让后,受让人成为新债权人 我来回答: 提交