W: I want to have a long rest during the weekend, but I don’t know where to go.
M: Have you thought of climbing the mountains
Growing up, I earned my best marks for
playing well with others. For my husband, I lived in three different countries
in five years, and while abroad, 1 easily sparked friendships by starting book
clubs and hosting girls’ nights. When it came to making friends, I had never
failed until the birth of my first child. My husband and I relocated from Moscow to Alexandria in 2006. I gave birth to our daughter, Eloise, that December. Soon after her arrival, I sought friendships in places where I thought I could meet cool new moms. In mommy-and-me yoga class, Eloise and I lunched with the yoga ladies and their babies with regularity, and true to form, I hosted my first yoga-moms playgroup. Months passed, and Eloise and I became a fixture on the playgroup circuit. The moms and I talked and shared nursing nightmares and milestone moment A. The sum of guests attending her gathering. B. The amount of experiences that the mums were willing share with her. C. The short time between the birth and her going out to seek friendship. D. The sensitivity that she might meet cool mums in yoga class. [判断题]广深Ⅰ、Ⅱ线发生危及行车安全的工务故障时,广州工务段要立即办理封锁手续,组织人员赶赴现场检查、处置。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《公安机关办理行政案件程序规定》关于回避的规定,下列哪项是错误的?()
A.公安派出所人民警察的回避应当由其所属的公安派出所决定 B.在行政案件调查过程中,关于公安机关负责人、办案人民警察回避的规定同样适用于鉴定人和翻译人员 C.在公安机关作出回避决定前,办案人民警察不得停止对行政案件的调查 D.被决定回避的公安机关负责人、办案人民警察、鉴定人和翻译人员,在回避决定作出以前所进行的与案件有关的活动有效 [单选题]生产、贮存、使用剧毒化学品的单位,应当对本单位的生产、储存装置每( )年进行一次安全评价。
A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四 [简答题]温度对衬里的影响主要有哪几个方面?
[单选题]组织群众撤离危险区域时,应选择合理的( ),避免横穿危险区域。
A.撤离时间 B.撤离路线 C.撤离地点 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》规定,硬座车乘务员室备有()。
A.针线包 B.热水瓶 C.供水壶 D.五小工具 [判断题]营业厅扫码叫号系统支持全球通优先排队。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]第四章 第六十五条 “通过作业TFDS动态检查范围和质量标准”:
(一)滚动轴承轴箱无破损;轴承( )、轴端螺栓无丢失;承载鞍( )。
(二)摇枕、( )、一体式构架、副构架无折断;心盘无脱出;交叉支撑装置盖板及交叉杆体( ),交叉杆端部螺栓无丢失;轴箱、( )弹簧无丢失。
(三)钩尾框( );钩提杆( );钩尾销插托无错位,螺母无丢失;钩尾销安全吊螺栓、螺母无丢失;车钩托梁无折断;安全托板、钩尾框托板、钩尾销托梁( )。
A. 肾上腺素与去甲肾上腺素 B. 甲状腺素 C. 糖皮质激素和促肾上腺皮质激素 D. 性激素 E. 胰岛素 [判断题]建设工程安全生产管理,坚持安全第一、预防为主的方针。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]按防触电保护方式和程度不同,使用特低电压的手持式电动工具属于:( )
A.Ⅰ类电器 B.Ⅱ类电器 C.Ⅲ类电器 [单项选择]在进行社区护理评估时,属于个体层次评估的内容是()
A. 离婚率 B. 失业率 C. 平均寿命 D. 居民的年龄分布 E. 发展任务的完成情况 [单项选择]患者,男,26岁。近3个月来无明显原因出现颈部、腋下淋巴结肿大,伴顽固性腹泻,每日数十次稀便,体重明显下降达10kg,3年前在国外居住期间,因手术而输血400ml,术后无特殊。经大量输液,患者血压恢复正常,出现四肢乏力,腹胀,脉律不齐,腓肠肌痉挛。此时,对诊断最有意义的化验为()。
A. 血电解质 B. 血培养 C. 血常规 D. 粪便常规 E. 粪便培养 [单选题]下列关于类风湿关节炎描述不正确的是
A.类风湿关节炎的基本病理改变是滑膜炎 B.类风湿结节是血管炎的一种表现 C.晨僵可出现在95%以上的患者中 D.血清类风湿因子阳性可出现在98%以上的患者中 E.最常见合并的肺病变是肺间质病变 [单选题]当自清洗过滤器压差控制器达( )MPa,自清洗过滤器自动进行反洗。
A.0.1MPa; B.0.2MPa; C.0.05MPa; D.0.25MPa。 [填空题]
Ⅴ Daily Conversation Directions: Pick out the appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogues by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. A. let’s return to the good parts B. That’s a photo of the Arno river C. What was Florence like D. what was it like E. the traffic horrible F. It was very interesting G. beautiful old medieval buildings H. it was still wonderful Tim: Alan, do you want to see the pictures of my holiday in Italy Alan: Sure, (56) Tim: Ah, the holiday was great! The food was great! The wine was great! The traffic was horrible! Alan: Why was (57) Tim. Those Italians are crazy drivers! I don’t want to think about it! Alan: OK, OK, (58) ... Tim: Yes, so here’s a picture of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Alan: Incredible! Tim: It was raining that day, but (59) We climbed to the top! Alan: And what’s this Tim: (60) in Florence. That’s the [单项选择]A risk or effect may diminish(),but it may also increase for some reason.
A. at will B. over time C. under way D. so far [单项选择]
16只四色节日彩灯,按红、黄、白、绿……顺序循环布置,要求每1秒移动一个灯位。通过一个方式开关选择点亮方法: A. 方式选择开关X000,停止按钮Y001,Y000~Y017分别对应16个彩灯 B. 方式选择开关X000,停止按钮X001,Y000~Y017分别对应16个彩灯 C. 方式选择开关Y000,停止按钮Y001,Y000~Y017分别对应16个彩灯 D. 方式选择开关X000,停止按钮X001,X000~Y017分别对应16个彩灯 我来回答: 提交