As America is home to so many different
nationalities, one can find almost any kind of restaurant in all the large
cities. The restaurants can range widely in cost from inexpensive to very
expensive. But fast food shops have become very widespread in the U. S. because they are quick and cheap. And cafeterias are especially popular with American students. There you can get a variety of food such as fried fish, barbecued chicken, spaghetti, salad, vegetables, macaroni, sweet potatoes, rice, hot rolls. There are also desserts and drinks. You can pick up whatever strikes your fancy. Tips are generally not required at cafeterias where you serve yourself and you are expected to clear your own table of dishes and utensils, and discard your trash in the garbage cans. In most cafeterias, you stand in line. As you walk alo A. there are so many people in a large city B. Americans like eating foreign food C. a large city can finance various kinds of restaurants D. Americans are made up of people from many different nationalities [判断题]城域网的覆盖一座城市或一个地区,覆盖范围在几公里至几十公里,满足一个城市或地区范围内的设备联网需求。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]表达式("周"<"刘")返回的是_________。
A. False B. True C. -1 D. 1 [简答题]
对某项工程的施工,业主通过公开招标的方式选定了承包商。签定合同时,业主为了约束承包商能保证工程质量,要求承包商支付了20万元定金。业主与承包商双方施工合同中对工程预付款、工程质量、工程价款、工期和违约责任等都作了具体约定。 [单选题]关于重新印发《南昌铁路局恶劣天气下客运组织应急预案》的通知(南铁客[2017]10号),因恶劣天气造成列车晚点或其他情况时列车长应及时与()持联系,了解相关情况后及时向旅客通报。
A.司机 B.铁路局客调 C.所在铁路局客调 D.车站值班员 [单选题]CRH380A统型动车组客室插座使用的电压为 。
A.AC100V B.AC110V C.AC220V D.AC380V [填空题]气测录井的色谱仪主要技术指标,测量误差: 全烃为 ( ) 烃组分为±5%。[每空1分]
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