When Gina Garro and Brian Duplisea
adopted 4-month-old Andres from Colombia last month, they were determined to
take time off from work to care for him. Though Garro’s $ 40,000 salary will
cover their mortgage, the couple will have to freeze their retirement accounts,
and pray that nothing goes wrong with the car. "It takes away from your
cushion and your security," says Garro. "Things will be fight. ’ The 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act was supposed to help families like Garro’s, offering a safety net to employees who want to take time off to nurture newborns, tend to their own major illnesses or care for sick relatives. But while the law guarantees that workers won’t lose their jobs, it doesn’t cover their paychecks. One survey last year showed that while 24 million Americans had taken leaves sinc A. indifference B. approval C. suspicion D. opposition [单选题]单选题在常用的选拔方法中,( )一般采用书面考试的方法进行。
A面试 B心理测验 C知识测验 D劳动技能测验 [单选题]马属于______。 ( )
A.爬行纲 B.偶蹄目 C.奇蹄目 D.食肉目 [单选题] 通常情况下,氧气的化学性质()。
A.不活泼 B.呈惰性 C.非常活泼 [单选题]为何操纵检查时,需按压PEDALS DISC电门,如何按压?
A.按压任一转弯手轮上的该电门,脱开方向舵脚蹬对前轮转弯的控制,直到松开电门。 B.同时按压两侧转弯手轮上的该电门,脱开方向舵脚蹬对前轮转弯的控制,直到松开电门。 C.按压任一转弯手轮上的该电门,脱开方向舵脚蹬对前轮转弯的控制,短时按压后松开即可获得控制权。 [多项选择]进口以下商品,需要事先办理检疫审批手续的有( )。
A. 来自泰国的榴莲 B. 来自比利时的生兔皮 C. 来自西班牙的精制棕榈油 D. 来自巴西的大豆 [多选题]下列关于存款证明或资信证明的说法正确的是()。
A.不能流通 B.不能挂失 C.不能作为取款、转存、续存等凭证 D.可做质押凭证 [判断题]党的最高理想和最终目标是社会主义社会代替资本主义社会。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关阀堵漏编组一般为( )至( )人,人员精干,应在工艺处置队或厂方技术人员指导配合下进行,必要时组织备用力量进行轮换作业,紧急救助小组在指定位置待命。( )
A.1,2 B. 2,3 C. 2,4 D. 3,5 [多选题]对于( )免收“个人资产证明或资信证明开立手续费”。( )
A.私人银行客户 B.沃德客户 C.交银理财客户 D.快捷客户 [多选题]肝性脑病临床分期的依据有
A.精神神经症状 B.扑翼样震颤 C.血氧测定 D.脑电图改变 [单项选择]数字程控交换机使用()。
A. 公共信道信令 B. 随路信令 C. 局间信令 我来回答: 提交