The front matter of a book consists of the title, subtitle, table of contents, and preface. But the (1) of readers who pay no attention to the signals is larger than you might expect, unless you happen to be one of those who are (2) to admit it. I have this experience again and again (3) students. I have asked them (4) a book was about. I have asked them to tell me, in the most general (5) , what sort of book it was. This, I have (6) , is a good way, almost an indispensable (7 ), to begin a discussion.
Many students are (8) to answer this first and simplest question about the book. Sometimes they apologize (9) that they haven’ t finished reading it yet, and (10) do no know. That’s no (11) ,I point out. Did you look at the rifle Did you study the (12) Did you read the preface (13) introduction No, they did not. The front matter of a book (14) to be like the
A. way
B. sense
C. excuse
D. reason
College sports in the United States are
a huge deal. Almost all major American universities have football, baseball,
basketball and hockey programs, and (71) millions of dollars
each year to sports. Most universities earn millions (72) as
well, in television revenues and sponsorships. They also benefit (73)
from the added publicity they get via their teams. Big-name
universities (74) each other in the most popular sports.
Football games at the university of Michigan regularly (75)
crowds of over 90,000. Basketball’s national collegiate championship
game is a TV (76) on a par with (与……相同或相似) any other sporting
event in the United States, (77) perhaps the Super Bowl
itself. At any given time during fall or winter one can (78)
one’s TV set and see the top athletic programs—from schools like
Mic A. promising B. pleasing C. prominent D. professional [单选题]护轨与基本轨头部间净距:在有砟桥上,其净距为500mm,允许误差为()。
A.+3mm,-3mm B.+10mm,-10mm C.+5mm,-5mm D.+10mm,-5mm [多选题]母线严重发热,()时,应立即汇报值班调控人员申请停运,停运前应远离设备。
A.热点温度≥130℃ B.δ≥95% C.δ≥80% D.热点温度≥100℃ [单选题]爆振传感器的拧紧力矩为( )。
A.5N·m B.10N·m C.15N·m D.20N·m [多选题]下列有关武术的起源与发展中叙述错误的有()。
A.秦汉时期,盛行角力、击剑、宴乐兴舞的习俗。 B.习武是中国独有,日本、朝鲜及东南亚国家几乎没有习武者。 C.新中国成立后,非常重视优秀民族文化遗产的继承和发展,使武术运动得到长足的发展。 D.奴隶社会时期,民间结社的练武活动蓬勃兴起,拳术流派众多,还出现了一批武术著作。 [单项选择]可摘局部义齿人工牙的功能是()
A. 连接作用 B. 修复作用 C. 支持作用 D. 固位作用 E. 稳定作用 [多选题]股金,是指( )以其合法货币资产投入农村信用社形成的资本金,又称股本金。
A.自然人 B.企业法人 C.其他经济组织 D.国家机关 [单选题]一个工作负责人可以同时执行两张工作票。
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [判断题]铝及铝合金管子堆放时,不得与铁、铜、不锈钢等金属管子接触,以防管子受到电化腐蚀。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列哪种方式不属于光纤收容的盘纤方式。( )
A.圆 B.V C.CC D.S [单选题]四线制道岔(三相交流除外)表示电路中二极管的技术指标是( )。
A.反向电压不小于500V,正向电流不小于300mA B.反向电压不大于500V,正向电流不大于300mA C.反向电压不小于1000V,正向电流不小于300mA D.反向电压不大于1000V,正向电流不大于300mA [单项选择]关于软件著作权产生的时间,表述正确的是______。
A. 自软件首次公开发表时 B. 自开发者有开发意图时 C. 自软件得到国家著作权行政管理部门认可时 D. 自软件完成创作之日起 [单选题]生育保险基金支付范围不包括( )。
A.生育的医疗费用 B.计划生育的医疗费用 C.生育津贴 D.不孕症输卵管复通术 我来回答: 提交