Never give out identifying information
such as home address, school name, or telephone number in a public message such
as chat or newsgroups, and be sure you’re dealing with someone both you and your
children know and trust before giving out this information via E-mail. Do not
post photographs of your children in newsgroups or on web sites that are
available to the public. Never allow your child to arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone they "meet" on the Internet. If a meeting is arranged, make the first one in a public place, and be sure to accompany your child. Remember that people online may not be who they seem. Because you can’t see or even hear the person it wou A. Warning Against Making Online Friends B. Messages One Can Get Through the Internet C. How to Make Online Friends D. How to Protect Your Child on the Internet [单选题]身份权包括( )。
A.生命权、荣誉权 B.亲属权、荣誉权 C.荣誉权、姓名权 [单项选择]涵洞施工的准备工作不包括( )。
A. 施工放样 B. 二次核对 C. 绘制施工详图 D. 现场核对 [判断题]滴定终点过量、滴定操作不当所引起的误差统称为操作误差,属于偶然误差。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]背景
某公路工程需要在某一路段修建一座大桥和若干涵洞。施工单位甲负责大桥和涵洞的施工任务,为了保证大桥的质量和进度,施工单位针对该大桥的特点编制了施工组织设计,内容包括: (1)工程概况; (2)施工准备工作及设计; (3)施工进度计划; (4)分部(项)工程的施工方案和施工方法; (5)施工平面图布置等; …… [问题] 在施工场地的布置之前,应该先完成哪些工作 [多选题]大修一级井控风险井,可选配( )防喷器组合,配备内防喷工具.防喷单根.标准双翼节流.压井管汇各一套,专用四通及各种配合接头等。
A.2FZ18-35+FZ18-35 B.3FZ18-35 C.2FZ18-35+FH18-35 D.FZ18-35+FH18-35 [单项选择]地形图上蓝色表示()。
A. 水系 B. 植被 C. 地物 [判断题]静态评价方法能够较全面的反应投资方案整个计算期内的经济效果。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]一般焊件的厚度越大,选用的焊条直径 d 应越小,同时可选择较大的焊接电流,以提高工作效率。( )[中]
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]老年人口的增加可使()
A. 出生率迅速下降 B. 死亡率增加 C. 婴儿死亡率下降 D. 生育率下降 E. 婴儿死亡率上升 [单选题]硬质梯子的横档应嵌在支柱上,梯阶的距离不应大于( ),并在距梯顶1m处设限高标志。
A.40cm B.45cm C.50cm D.55cm [多项选择]帐簿、记帐凭证、完税凭证及其他有关资料不得()
A. 伪造 B. 复印 C. 变造 D. 擅自损毁 [多选题]《质量标准化标准》规定:采煤工作面在用支柱要()。(1.0分)
A.完好 B.不漏液 C.不自动卸载 D.无外观缺损 [判断题]5、陈某精神病发作期间,在甲县汽车站持刀砍伤5人、砍死1人,甲县公安局决定将其送往指定的场所加以监护。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
The first big-name hackers include Steve Wozniak, Bill Gates and Linus Torvalds, all now highly recognisable names behind many of the computer technologies used today. These early hackers had a love of technology and a compelling need to know how it all worked, and their goal was to push programs beyond what they were designed to do. Back then, the word "hacker" didn’t have the negative connotation it has today. The original hacker ethic, rooted out of simple curiosity and a need to be challenged, appears to be dead. [单选题]一般来说,缺少了( )信号,电子点火系将不能点火。
A.进气量 B.转速 C.上止点 D.水温 我来回答: 提交