1 BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN Thursday, May 13, 2004) --
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld Thursday arrived in the Iraqi capital on a
surprise visit to rally U.S. troops, but denied his agenda was to calm the storm
over prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib prison. 2 "If anybody thinks that I’m [in Iraq] to throw water on a fire, they’re wrong," Rumsfeld told reporters on board his flight to Iraq. 3 "We care about the detainees being treated fight. We care about soldiers behaving right. We care about command systems working." 4 Rumsfeld was accompanied by Gen. Richard Myers, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and a team of Pentagon attorneys, sources involved in planning the trip told CNN. 5 Rumsfeld and Myers will meet with top coalition officials in Iraq. For security reasons, details of their schedules are being kept secret. It i A. Three American soldiers have been charged in the military court. B. The American Army has been investigating the mistreatment of prisoners since January. C. Military police may have taken their cues of abusing Iraqi prisoners from CIA. D. Some lawmakers suspected that these charged soldiers might get the orders from the higher officials in their chain of command. [单选题]根据《危险化学品安全管理条例》(中华人民共和国国务院令第591号)的规定,危险化学品单位应当制定本单位事故应急救援预案,配备应急救援人员和必要的应急救援器材、设备,并定期组织演练。
A.对 B.错 [单项选择]初步设计说明书中,下列哪一项面积指标一般不列入“总指标”()。
A. 总建筑占地面积 B. 总使用面积 C. 总用地面积 D. 总建筑面积 [判断题]在刑事诉讼中,公安机关只负责刑事案件的侦查、拘留、执行逮捕和预审的工作。( )
[单选题]工作接地电阻不得大于( )Ω重复接地电阻不得大于( ).Ω
A.4 10 B.10 4 C.10 10 D.4 0 [判断题]第 680 题, 本小题 1 分
过负荷保护电器宜采用反时限特性保护电器,分断能力应高于安装处的短路电流,但应能承受通过的短路能量。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对于骨折固定,下列叙述错误的是( )
A.正确的固定能迅速减轻伤病员的疼痛; B.避免损伤周围组织、血管、神经; C.夹板的长度需超过骨折骨所相邻的两个关节; D.固定后,上、下肢呈伸直位。 [单选题]除使用特殊仪器外,所有使用携带型仪器的测量工作均应在电流互感器和电压互感器的( )侧进行。
A.一次 B.二次 C.停电 D.高压 我来回答: 提交