Should a leader strive to be loved or
feared This question, famously posed by Machiavelli, lies at the heart of
Joseph Nye’s new book. Mr. Nye, a former dean of the Kennedy School of
Government at Harvard and one-time chairman of America’s National Intelligence
Council, is best known for promoting the idea of “soft power”, based on
persuasion and influence, as a counterpoint to "hard power" , based on coercion
(强迫) and force. Having analyzed the use of soft and hard power in politics and diplomacy in his previous books, Mr. Nye has now turned his attention to the relationship between power and leadership, in both the political and business spheres. Machiavelli, he notes, concluded that "one ought to be both feared and loved, but as it is difficult for the two to go together, it is much safer to be feared than loved." In short, hard power is preferable to A. authority B. context C. approaches D. morality [单项选择]Which of the following is not true of Winchester
A. It is an ancient capital of England. B. 60,000 people live in the city. C. It hosts live theatres every week. D. It makes live theatre every week. [判断题]带指示灯的现场操作柱,红色信号灯亮时,说明电机正在运行。
[单选题]在室内,设备充装SF6气体时,周围环境相对湿度应不大于( ),同时应开启通风系统,并避免SF6气体泄漏到工作区。
A.0.6 B.70% C.80% D.90% [单选题]道岔质量达到:轨距按标准加宽后及辙岔前后轨距偏差不大于( )mm
A.A、+5mm B.B、+2mm C.C、+3mm [单选题]《铁路旅客运输规程》(铁运〔1997〕101号)规定,一名外交人员带一名不足1.1米小孩乘车他们可免费携带物品()。
A.45千克 B.35千克 C.20千克 D.30千克 [多选题]在《网络产品安全漏洞管理规定》中,关于漏洞发布,以下说法正确的是哪些选项( )。
A.漏洞信息描述应尽可能抽象,避免暴漏隐私信息 B.漏洞发布应遵守国家相关法律法规 C.不得发布危害公共安全的漏洞利用工具 D.漏洞一经发现,就应该立即公布,避免危害扩大 ①应按照国家相关要求进行漏洞发布; ②漏洞信息涉及的目标对象、风险情况描述应真实客观,不得将漏洞潜在风险作为网络攻击事件进行发布和引导,避免相关漏洞被恶意利用实施网络攻击; ③不得发布用于危害网络安全的漏洞利用程序、工具和方法; ④漏洞相关组织应建立漏洞发布内部审核机制,防范漏洞信息泄露和内部人员违规发布漏洞信息。 [单选题]某班参加体育活动的学生有25人,参加音乐活动的有26人,参加美术活动的有24人,同时参加体、音活动的有16人,同时参加音、美活动的有15人,同时参加美、体活动的有14人,三个组织都参加的有5人,这个班共有多少名学生参加活动?( )
A.24 B.26 C.30 D.35逛街 [单项选择]下列关于淀粉样变性的叙述,哪项是错误的()
A. 可见于结核病 B. 可见于骨髓瘤 C. 可以是全身性疾病 D. 可以是局灶性病变 E. 由免疫球蛋白沉积而成 [单选题]列车网络控制权转移的过程中:原主控端拔出主控钥匙,原主节点降级为 ,并控制网络继续运行。
A.高节点 B.从节点 C.弱节点 D.副节点 [多选题]党的各级领导干部必须具备的基本条件之一是,坚持解放思想,实事求是,与时俱进,开拓创新,认真调查研究,能够把党的方针、政策同本地区、本部门的实际相结合,卓有成效地开展工作,( )。
A.A.讲实话 B.B.求创新 C.C.办实事 D.D.求实效 [判断题]在作业报告中教师可以看到学生的高频错题,并可以直接点击题号进行讲解()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]With flaking paint and rusty doors, many factories in the province of Biella in north-west Italy stand idle. Production of the woollen fabrics and clothing that made the region’s name has drifted away to cheaper countries. Supply from Asia crushed the local textile industry. Yet in Trivero, a town in the Alpine foothills, the looms of one mill are still busy. This is where, 100 years ago, Ermenegildo Zegna began his fashion house. The firm is now one of the world’s top makers of costly male kit. Whether Zegna stays on top depends on demand from Asia.
Zegna has not been left unscathed by globalisation, an economic downturn and the capriciousness of fashion: sales fell by 8.4% to 797m ($1.1 billion) last year and net profits slumped to 17.3m from 62m in 2008. "Protecting cash became our primary objective, turnover and profits secondary," says Gildo Zegna, the chief executive and a grandson of the founder. This year things look brighter: the firm hopes to achieve double-digit sa A. To illustrate the recession of the economy. B. To introduce and outstand the success of Zegna. C. To describe the difficulty in developing such a factory. D. To impress readers with such a contrast between two different situations. [单项选择]女性,35岁。低热、干咳1月余伴闭经,2天前痰中带血入院。体检:体温39℃,右上肺呼吸音减弱。胸部X线检查显示右肺上叶有片状密度增高的浓密阴影,血白细胞计数/L,中性粒细胞73%。最可能的诊断为( )
A. 浸润型肺结核 B. 肺炎球菌肺炎 C. 肺脓肿 D. 克雷伯杆菌肺炎 E. 支原体肺炎 [判断题]公司系统内工作调动,原则上通过“省、地”两级内部人才市场公开选拔。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某技术方案运营期第4年的有关财务数据为:利润总额为2000万元,全部为应纳所得税额,所得税率为25%;当年计提折旧为600万元,不计摊销;当年应还本为l200万元,付息为300万元。本年度该技术方案的偿债备付率为()。
A. 1.75 B. 1.60 C. 1.50 D. 1.40 [判断题]禁止作业人员擅自移动或拆除遮栏(围栏)、标示牌。()
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]用逻辑学的知识分析判断下列各题。1.你没有失去的东西你仍然具有,你没有失去角,所以你有角。2.“马者,所以命形也;白者,所以命色也。命色者非命形也。故曰:“白马非马”。3.不学逻辑照样说话写文章,因此学不学逻辑一样。
[多选题]指挥机车动车指令,只能由( )发出。( )需紧急停车时,由调车人员立即按下紧急停车键。遇无线( )故障时,须立即( ),将故障情况通知有关人员。
A.调车指挥人 B.调车灯显设备 C.停车 D.调车组 [单项选择]世界上最大的帝王陵墓()
A. 武则天陵 B. 秦始皇陵 C. 慈禧陵 D. 武王陵 [简答题]业余电台BH1ZZZ用话音发起CQ呼叫的正确格式为?
[单选题]列车中车辆的连挂,由( )负责。
A.车站作业人员 B.调车作业人员 C.列检作业人员 D.机车乘务员 [填空题]斯金纳认为,人和动物的行为有两类:( )行为和( )行为。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]A.双下肢对称性紫癜伴荨麻疹
A.紫癜伴黄疸 B.紫癜伴肝脾淋巴结肿大 C.紫癜伴发热 D.紫癜伴休克 E.过敏性紫癜 [判断题]低压系统进行电压、电流测量,可不戴线手套或绝缘手套进行操作。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]船在波浪中航行,遇到船首斜向来浪,当船头部分进入波谷,船艉部分处在波峰,船舶将发生剧烈的()运动。
A. 纵摇 B. 打横 C. 首摇 D. 横摇 [单项选择]下列哪一项对青黛的描述不正确()
A. 为极细的深蓝色粉末,入水下沉 B. 微有草腥气,味淡 C. 主要含靛蓝、靛玉红、色氨酮等成分 D. 用火燃烧时有紫红色烟雾发生 E. 粉末滴加硝酸,产生气泡并显棕红色或黄棕色 [单项选择]