Imagining being asked to spend twelve
or so years of your life in a society which consisted only of members of your
own sex. How would you react Unless there was something definitely wrong with
you, you wouldn’t be too happy about it, to say the least. It is all the more
surprising therefore that so many parents in the world choose to impose such
abnormal conditions on their children--conditions which they themselves wouldn’t
put up with for one minute! Any discussion of this topic is bound to question the alms of education. Stuffing children’s heads full of knowledge is far from-being foremost among them. One of the chief aims of educations is to equip future citizens with all they require to take their place in adult society. Now adult society is made up of men and women, so how can a segregated (隔离的) school possi A. it is a wonderful thing to live with both sexes B. studying with only one’s own sex is helpful for academic achievements C. only gays will feel happy about being surrounded by the same sex D. parents try to protect their children by sending them to same sex schools [单选题]1987年4月13日,中葡两国政府在北京正式签署关于澳门问题的联合声明,确认中国政府于( )对澳门恢复行使主权。
A.1997年7月1日 B.1999年12月20日 C.1999年12月21日 [单项选择]下面的()不是集成测试的内容。
A. 对软件中最小可测试单元进行检查和验证 B. 把各个模块连接在一起时,穿越模块接口的数据是否会丢失 C. 一个模块的功能是否会对另一个模块的功能产生不利的影响 D. 若干子功能组合在一起是否能产生预期的主功能 [单项选择]生料中A2O3的百分含量与Fe2O3的百分含量之比称为()。
A. 铁率 B. 硅率 C. 水硬率 [单选题]下列情形中,人民警察可以使用驱逐性、制服性警械的是( )。(1.0分)
A.不遵守交通规则,经警告无效的 B.犯罪嫌疑人被拘传时企图吞刀片,经警告无效的 C.犯罪嫌疑人被抓捕时企图用头撞墙,经警告无效的 D.强制冲越人民警察为履行职责设置的警戒线,经警告无效的 [单选题]建设单位在申请领取施工许可证或办理安全监督手续时,应当
提供危险性较大的分部分项工程清单和安全管理措施。( ) A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]V40和M40的主要区别是什么?
A.自动 B.人工或自动 C.人工 D.自动和人工都不能转换 [单项选择]保险代理从业人员的执业过程包括______。
A. 展业、售后服务和代收付款三个阶段 B. 展业、保全、理赔和代收付款四个阶段 C. 展业、保全服务和理赔服务三个阶段 D. 保全服务、理赔服务和售后服务三个阶段 [单选题]各级平面,高程控制网点位不能满足使用要求时,应对该点位
A.清除 B.继续使用 C.重新设置 D.还原设置 [简答题]铁路职工一般安全常识有哪些?
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