Ever hear of the lemming Lemmings are
arctic rat-like animals with very odd habits: periodically, for unknown reasons,
they mass together in large herd and commit suicide by rushing into deep water
and drowning themselves. They all run in together, blindly, and not one of them
ever seems to stop and ask, "Why am I doing this Is this really what I ’want to
do" and thus save it serf from destruction. Obviously, lemmings are driven to
perform their strange suicide rites by common instinct. People choose to "follow
the herd" for more complex reasons, yet we are still too often the unwilling
victims of the bandwagon appeal. Essentially, the bandwagon urges us to an action or an opinion because it is popular—be- cause "everyone else is doing it." This call to "get on the bandwagon" appeals to the strong de- sire in most of us to be one of the crowd, not to be A. a mass consensus among young people B. a universal way of thinking C. the pursuit of a moral code of behavior D. the desire to support a popular course of action [多选题]接入高压配电网的分布式电源,并网点应安装( )的开断设备,电网侧应能接地。
A.易操作; B.可闭锁; C.具有明显断开点; D.可开断故障电流 [单选题]某女,40岁,教师,右下肢静脉迂曲扩张15年,长期站立有酸胀感,近2年右足靴区颜色加深,肿胀,大隐静脉瓣膜功能试验(+),深静脉通畅试验(-),诊断可能是
A.单纯性下肢静脉曲张 B.原发性下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全 C.下肢深静脉血栓形成 D.动静脉瘘 E.血栓性浅静脉炎 [填空题]John told me he (finish) ______ the work two days before.
[单项选择]Of all the employed workers in the United States, 12.5 million are part of a temporary workforce. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics counts 9.2 percent of workers as those who have (62) they term "alternative employment arrangements." The government predicts that temporary staffing agencies will (63) growth of 49 percent by 2010. If numbers increase (64) the rate of predicted, these companies will add 1.9 million new jobs by 2010.
Temporary workers were the first ones to be affected by the recent economic recession, but they are likely to be the first to regain (65) as the economy (66) and companies work to rebuild. Employers use temporary workers as a resource because they offer (67) and come at a low cost. Many temporaries are (68) as "independent contractors" instead of employees, (69) allows the employer to avoid paying certain taxes. Because they are not required to offer (70) to tem A. therefore B. whereas C. however D. moreover [单选题]42芯综合扭绞信号电缆其备用芯线为。
A. 3芯 B. 4芯 C. 5芯 D. 7芯 [单项选择]加热炉开工前的炉内爆炸气体分析,必须在吹扫结束的()进行炉膛内爆炸性气体分析。
A. 10分钟内 B. 20分钟内 C. 25分钟内 D. 30分钟内 [单选题]铸钢车轮材质的钢号为( )。
A.CL60 B.LZ50 C.LZ40 D.ZL-B [单选题]在站内线路上施工时,使用移动停车信号防护,防护办法表述错误的是( )。
A.将施工线路两端道岔扳向不能通往施工地点的位置,并加锁或紧固,可不设置移动停车信号牌(灯) B.当施工线路两端道岔只能通往施工地点的位置时,在施工地点两端各 50m处线路上,设置移动停车信号牌(灯)防护 C.如施工地点距离道岔小于 50m时,在该端警冲标相对处线路上,设置移动停车信号牌(灯) 防护 D.如施工地点距离道岔大于 50m时,在该端警冲标相对处线路上,设置移动停车信号牌(灯) 防护 [单项选择]属于强制检定范围的计量器具,未按规定申请检定或者检定不合格继续使用的,将
A. 责令停止使用 B. 可以并处罚款 C. 责令停止使用,可以并处罚款 D. 责令停止整顿 E. 依法追究刑事责任 [判断题]禁止人体或金属物体同时接触两根线头或其他相互绝缘且可能带电的金属部位。禁止带负荷断、接导线。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]潮流计算中的有源节点有:()
A.发电机 B.调相机 C.负荷节点 D.联络节点 [单选题]本题哪项不符合建筑消防设施巡查的内容要求:( )
A.常闭式防火门是否处于关闭状态 B.防火卷帘下是否堆放物品 C.消火栓、灭火器、消防安全标志完好情况 D.营业期间有无超范围经营的情况 [判断题]查找直流接地时,用仪表检查时,所用仪表的内阻不应低于1000Ω/V;
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据国网营销部关于印发《2021年市场专业工作安排》的通知(营销市场〔2021〕11号)要求,整合公司内外部资源,6月底之前建立两级运营团队,组织信息化、能效服务等专业人员,常态化开展平台运营推广。两级运营团队分别是( )。
A.A、总部级; B.省电力公司级; C.地市供电公司级; D.县公司级 [多选题]收费公路经营管理者有有下列行为时,通行车辆有权拒绝交纳车辆通行费。( )
A.擅自提高车辆通行费收费标准 B.在车辆通行费收费标准之外加收或者代收任何其他费用 C.强行收取或者以其他不正当手段按车辆收取某一期间的车辆通行费 D.不开具收费票据,开具未经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府财政、税务部门统一印(监)制的收费票据或者开具已经过期失效的收费票据 [单选题]冠状动脉旁路手术患者术前3天停用抗凝素的目的是:
A.防止血液稀释 B.防止心率紊乱 C.防止心动过速 D.防止术中出血不止 E.减轻洋地黄毒性反应 [单选题]火灾事故中,绝大多数遇难者是因( )死亡。
A.A.高温火焰 B.B.CO中毒 C.C.未掌握逃生方法 [多选题]“三不放过的内容是( )。
A.事故原因分析不清不放过 B.没有防范措施不放过 C.对设备性能、状态不清楚不放过 D.事故责任者和职工没有受到教育不放过 [单选题]某大型机械制造企业新安装的一台货梯于2015年8月1日取得检验合格证该企业的设备科负责货梯管理工作。关于该货梯维护保养和定期检验的说法正确的是 ( )
A.货梯在2016年8月1日前应进行定期检验 B.货梯的维护保养必须由货梯制造单位负责 C.货梯应由维保单位每15日进行一次检查 D.货梯使用标志应明确标注检验时间 [判断题]装卸线分段绝缘器可以长时间对地耐压。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]龙衣是
A. 蝉衣 B. 蛇蜕 C. 桑皮 D. 番木鳖 E. 破故纸 我来回答: 提交